12. Dairy Behaviour Flashcards
What are the 3 types of facility designs?
- Tie-stall
- stay tethered
- get out once a day or every other day
- milker comes to them - Free-stall
- the norm in Canada
- loafing areas
- they go to the milker - Robotic Farm
- robotic milkers
- cows decide when to go through
What cows enter the milking parlor first?
There is a tendency for dominant cows to enter the parlor first however, the order is mostly affected by who is highest yielding (usually most dom, but not necessarily)
- Positive correlation between milk yield and milking order; higher reward to relieve pressure
Prior to milking how do cows behave?
Cows are restless due to weight, fullness, and udder pressure
During milking how do cows behave?
- Most cows settle and stand calmly
- New cows are more restless and may jump or kick milking machine off udder
- Manual stimulation results in shorter machine-on times (higher milking efficiency) and higher peak and average milk flow rates
- Rough management can increase machine-on time
What does manual stimulation during milking result in?
Shorter machine-on times (higher milking efficiency) and higher peak and average milk flow rates
How does a typical cow on farm allocate her time?
- 12.5 hrs/day lying down and resting
- 10 hrs/day eating, drinking, chewing cud, exercising and socializing
- 1.5 hrs/day in the milking parlor
Why is locomotion important for dairy cow welfare?
One of the biggest welfare issues in dairy is lameness
- locomotion: walking, trotting, and galloping
- forward motions
- recommend walking for at least 1 hr/day or at least 3 km/day to prevent health problems
- space and facility design are determining factors in movement
- motivated to move by food, water, companionship, shelter, grooming, a sexual partner, space
How does a cow lay down vs stand up?
Lying down
- Kneels down with one foreleg, then both, and then tucks one hind limb under her abdomen and lowers rear end
- Approximately 35 seconds
Standing up
- Pendulum movement (lunge forward); rump up before the front
- Requires more room than lying down
How do young, pre-ruminant cattle lay? How do adult cows lay?
Lateral recumbent position (when adequate space is provided)
Adult cows lay in a sternal recumbent position
Beyond sleep, why is rest really important for dairy cows?
Hooves rest and dry off
- really important for hoof health
- if rlly restless can get a lot of hoof problems
How does rest relate to milk yield?
Blood circulation through the udder increases by up to 30% which increases milk yield
How often do dairy cows require feed?
Dairy cows require feed throughout the entire day to keep the rumen healthy
- rumen pH: 6.0-6.2
- below 5.5 = acidosis
- they are grazing animals and consume large quantities of forages
What do cows use to feed and drink?
Lips, teeth, and tongue
How is the bolus (mass of food) formed? What happens with it?
- Bolus of fibrous particles formed by chewing and mixing with salvia
- Once chewed, the bolus is moved by the tongue to the esophagus and delivered to the rumen
- Mixing saliva with feed increases lubrication, chemical buffers, and pre-digestive enzymes which help maintain rumen health
- 60-70 bites/min while ruminating
For how long will cows ruminate?
On average for 6-8 hrs/day in 8, 45 minute bouts/day
- continues several hours after dusk
- 60-70 bites/min while ruminating