2-6-7 Flagging, Signs, and Barricades – Part II Flashcards
A driver traveling 65 miles per hour has a stopping sight distance of __?__.
You are allowed to flag from inside a vehicle if the temperature falls below 20°F.
When flagging, you should position yourself at the __?__ of the road.
You should turn your eyes away from all approaching vehicles that are using high beams.
As a safety measure, the project manager should brief the flagger on __?__.
any protective equipment to be worn
To prevent accidents in the work zone from moving equipment, vehicles should be equipped with a back-up alarm and __?__.
flashing lights
The MUTCD defines short duration work as work that occupies a location for up to __?__.
1 hour
A(n) __?__ stationary work zone occupies an area for more than three days.
As a flagger, if you are in the proper place in the work zone, it is safe to assume that motorists will see you.
A well-planned traffic control zone will reduce driver confusion.
The recommended following distance during good driving conditions is a minimum of __?__ .
3 s
The recommended following distance during night time driving conditions is a minimum of __?__ .
6 s
Driver reaction time is estimated to be about __?__ of a second.
A vehicle traveling at 70 miles per hour on an icy road may take over __?__ to come to a stop.
A vehicle’s stopping distance will vary according to road and __?__ conditions.
A semi-tractor trailer truck can be up to __?__ wide.
The width of a lane for a vehicle can vary from eight feet wide on a rural road to __?__ wide on a freeway.
A long vehicle may have difficulty negotiating curves, which therefore causes the vehicle to encroach on the shoulder of the road and endanger the flagger.
The primary communication methods used by a flagger are the paddle and __?__.
hand signals
For traffic control at night, the stop/slow paddle should be __?__ wide.
When flagging in an emergency situation at night, in a non-illuminated flagger station, a flagger may use a __?__to supplement the STOP/SLOW paddle or flag.
flashlight with a red glow cone