2. 3. 1 Analysis, Design and Comparison of Algorithms Flashcards
Analysis of algorithms
- Two things need to be checked when developing an algorithm, Time and Space complexity
Time complexity
- How much time it requires to solve a particular problem, measured using big-o notation, shows effectiveness of an algorithm
- Shows upper limit for amount of time taken relative to number of data elements given as input
- Allows us to predict amount of time it takes for algorithm to finish given number of data elements
- Graphs helpful for showing relationships between time and number elements inputted
Big-o notation
- Written in form O(n), demonstrates relationship between number of inputted entities (n) and the time relationship (O(n))
- O(1), Constant time complexity, amount of time taken to complete algorithm is independent from number of elements inputted (does not matter how many elements inputted, same time)
- O(n), Linear time complexity, amount of time taken to complete algorithm is directly proportional to number of elements inputted (time increases as number of elements increases)
- O(n^2), Polynomial time complexity, amount of time taken to complete algorithm is directly proportional to square of elements inputted
- O(2^n), Exponential time complexity, amount of time taken to complete algorithm will double every additional time (increment)
- O(log n), Logarithmic time complexity, time taken to complete algorithm increases at smaller rate as number of elements is inputted
- Order of best to worst time complexities for algorithms shown in image (Ignore O(n log(n)) it is not on the spec)
Algorithm examples of Big-o notation
View the image, state what notation to use and why, multiple Time complexities can be seen within the algorithm, we take the one with the largest factor or exponent
Graphs for each Time complexity
State what time complexity is represented by each of the graphs
It is the inverse of an exponential, an operation that determines how many times a certain number (base) is multiplied by itself to reach another number
Space Complexity
- The amount of storage the algorithm takes, commonly expressed using Big O notation
- Algorithm stores extra data whenever it makes a copy, this isn’t ideal when working with lots of data due to the fact that this will take lots of storage which is expensive
Analysing algorithms based on Time and Space Complexity
- T and S Complexity very important when analysing effectiveness of program
- No priority for either, up to you at the design stage when creating the algorithm which one is of more importance
Designing Algorithms
- Algorithm is a series of steps/instructions to complete a task
- Main objective of A is to complete the task, the next objectives is to get the best T and S complexity
- Minimising T and S complexity is heavily dependent on your situation, which one do you believe is of more importance is the question you ask yourself
- In the case of developing an algorithm with the main goal of manipulating data in a large database
- If you have lots of data but require it to be processed quickly, you would pay more attention to T rather than S complexity
- If you have a lot of processing power, T complexity not as important, would instead focus on S complexity, make sure you aren’t wasting lots of data often
- To reduce S complexity, changes must be performed on original pieces of data
- To reduce T complexity, try reduce num of items that operations need to be performed on
- For example, divide and conquer algorithm reduces the num of items after each iteration, results in logarithmic time complexity (2nd best)
Comparison of Algorithms
Board compares T complexity mostly, occasionally mentions S complexity, just have understanding that smaller S complexity, better algorithm, always consider the worst-case scenario when comparing
Searching Algorithms
- Linear Search Algorithm and Binary Search Algorithm
Linear Search Algorithm
- Traverse through every item one at a time till it finds items its searching for, Big-O notation is O(n) (Linear Time Complexity)
- Has a single while loop, reason why it is a Linear Time Complexity Algorithm
- It is therefore suitable for a small number of items
- It can be implemented using an array or linked list
Binary Search Algorithm
- Divide and Conquer algorithm, splits list (divide) into smaller lists till it finds the item it’s looking for (conquer)
- Size of list is halved every time, for this reason it’s Big-O notation is O(log(n)) (Logarithmic Time Complexity)
- It is therefore suitable for a large number of items
- It can be implemented using an array or binary tree
Sorting Algorithms
Bubble sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort and Quick sort
Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Evaluates pairs of items from left to right, ensures larger value is above smaller value
- It has a polynomial Big-O notation O(n^2)
Searching algorithms Table
Fill in the table
Sorting algorithms Table
Fill in the table