2 Flashcards
A long stick a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit.
A pair of crutches.
He uses drugs as a psychological crutch.
Walks with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot
He limped heavily as he moved.
One man Lima by on crutches.
Bandage consisting of a firm covering that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
Plaster cast
With a plaster on his ankle
The complete loss or absence of hope
Despair /di’spë/
The voice full of despair
A confused fight or scuffle
Melee /’melei/
Several people were heart in the melee
- Occurring or done at once; instant
2. Nearest in time, relationship, or rank
Immediate /i’mi:diet/
The authorities took no immediate action.
There are no changes in the immediate future.
The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something
After some prompting, the defendant gave the police his name.
Harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly
She was hounded by the Italian press
Not yielding in strength, severity, or determination
Unrelenting /unri’lenting/
The heat was unrelenting.
In the unrelenting pursuit of their dreams.
The act of chasing
the pursuit of happiness
In the pursuit of…
Expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse; remorseful = regretful
Repentant /ri’pentent/
He is truly repentant for his incredible stupidity.
Spanish officials, who have not sounded particularly repentant about actions at the border.
- Materials used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas.
- A runway at an airport
Tarmac (short for tarmacadam) /tär’mâk/
If not in air, at least not on tarmac
Adj. 1. Cut of or left behind. Left without thee and to move from somewhere.
2. Left aground on a shore (of a boat)
Passengers of hundreds of flights to be stranded on airplanes.
He left me stranded by the side of the road.
Spend time doing nothing
Idle /aid(e)l/
Passengers sat idled on tarmacs.
Four men were idling outside the shop.
- To grieve or protest loudly and bitterly.
2. To make a prolonged, high-pitched sound suggestive of a cry.
Wail /weil/ Tina ran off wailing. Wailing babies. The wind wailed through the trees. A wail of misery went up when new parking restriction were announced.