1st test Flashcards
The first 5 books of the Bible.
The Gospel
The teaching of Christ.
bara refers to a thing made by God. This is extremely vital in the OT because God is constantly at work creating and forming a nation. Ultimately, this word is specified to God only.
Covenant definition
an agreement
Birthright definition
a particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth, especially as an eldest child.
Consequences of sin for Adam, Eve, and Serpent
Adam: He would work painfully for the rest of his life
Eve: She would give birth with lots of pain.
The serpent: He would eat dust and crawl on his belly the rest of his life.
Lot’s character compared to Abraham’s
Abraham was humble and wise, while Lot only looked to his own interests and physical gains.
Hagar and Ishmael
Hagar was put in bed with Abraham so that she would give him a son. When Hagar became pregnant and gave birth, the son was named Ishmael.
God’s plan for Joseph
God planned for Joseph to save Egypt, and his brothers, from the famine that would sweep across their territory for 7 years.
God’s character
God is everything good, and He has a plan for everyone’s lives. He is just, merciful, loving, kind, helpful, wise, etc.
light and dark created
Day 1
atmosphere divided from oceans
Day 2
land & plants
Day 3
sun, moon & stars
Day 4
sky and water animals
Day 5