1st Note Flashcards
study of food in relation to health of an individual, community or society and the process through which is food is used to sustain life and growth
science of food
the nutrients and other substances therein, their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and disease and the processes by which an organism
excretes food substances
combination of processes by which a living organism ____________________ materials or substances needed for the maintainance of its functions and for growth and renewal of its components
receive abd utilizes
science of the processes by which the body uses food for energy, maintenance and growth.
Food is any substance, organic or inorganic, when ingested or eaten noursihes the body by _________
building and repairing tissues, supplying heat and energy, and regulation bodily process
articles used as drink or food and the articles used for component of such (FDA)
It is safe to eat
Nourishing or nutritious
Palatability factors (color, aroma, flavor, texture,etc.) satisfy the cutomer
It has satiety value
It offers variety and planned within the socio-economic context (within the budget,
and suitable to the lifestyle of the person, including cultural, religious practices and
other aspects)
It is free from toxic agents or does not contain substances deemed deleterious to
chemical component needed by the body for one or more of three general functions
Nutrient helps to
To provide energy
To build and repair tissues
To regulate life processes
chemical substance thar is present in food and needed by the body
Include the energy nutrientes carbohydrates, fat and proteins
Include vitamins, minerals and water
one that has a high proportion of micronutrients in relation to the macronutrients
Nutrient dense food
Implies appropriate intake of the macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats - and
the various vitamins and minerals (micronutrients)
Good nutritional status
state in which a prolonged lack of one or more nutrients retards physical development or causes the appearance of specific clinical conditions (anemia, goiter, rickets, etc.)
Malnutrition or poor nutritional status
person is receiving and using the essential nutrients to maintain health and
well-being at the highest possible level.
Optimal Nutrition