1st Module Exam Flashcards
Has a high economic dependency ratio of 69
Population pyramid of the philippines
Least populated area in the philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
Every 100 persons in the working age group have to support about 63 young dependents and about 6 old dependents
Economic dependency ratio of 69
Single index that summarizes the age distribution of a population
Median age
Median age total
Dominant factor in determining the rate of population growth
Crude birth rate
What the crude birth rate depends on
Level of fertility and age structure of population
More direct measure of the level of fertility
Total fertility rate
Which gender has the lower literacy rate? Males or females?
True or False. The philippines is now predominantly urban.
Measure of the risk of exposure and is useful in epidemiological investigations
Attack rate (AR)
Cases given medical care at any point in time during the course of the illness which directly caused death
Numerical order of a child in relation to all previous pregnancies of the mother
Birth order
First weight of the fetus or newborn obtained after birth
Birth weight
Measure of one mortality from all causes which may result in a decrease of population
Referred to the total living population
Crude or general rates
Permanent disappearance of all evidence of life
Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception from its mother
Fetal death
Measures pregnancy wastage
Fetal death rate (FDR)
Death of the product of expulsion, irrespective of duration of pregnancy
Fetal death rate (FDR)
Measures the frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon during a given period of time
Incidence rate (IR)
Deals only with new cases
Incidence rate (IR)
Death of an infant under one year of age
Infant mortality/death
Measures the risk of dying during the first year of life
Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Good index of the health condition of a community since it reflects the changes in the environmental and medical conditions of a community
Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Reflects the changes in the environmental and medical conditions of a community
Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Is the death of fetus with 28 or more completed weeks of gestation
Late fetal death
Complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception
Live birth
Death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy
Maternal mortality/death
Measures the risk of dying from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
Maternal mortality rate (MMR)
Index of the obstetrical care needed and received by the women in a community
Maternal mortality rate (MMR)
Death among live births during the first 28 completed days of life
Neonatal death
Measures the risk of dying during the first month of life
Neonatal death rate (NDR)
Serve as the index of the effects of prenatal care and obstetrical management on the newborn
Neonatal death rate (NDR)
Measures the proportion of the population which exhibits a particular disease at a particular time. Deals with old and new cases
Prevalence rate (PR)
Shows the numerical relationship between deaths from a cause, age, etc. and the total number of deaths from all causes in all ages taken together
Proportionate mortality (PM)
True or False. Proportionate mortality is a measure of risk of dying.
Shows the relationship between a vital event and those persons exposed to the occurrence of said event
Persons experiencing the event
Total population exposed to the risk of same eveny
Relationship between two numerical quantities or measures of events
Risk of exposure of certain classes or groups to particular diseases
Specific death rate
Relationship is for a specific population class or group. It limits the occurrence of the event to that portion of the population definitely exposed to it.
Specific rate
Refers to the number of children a woman would have by the time she reaches age 50 under a given fixed fertility schedule
Total fertility rate (TFR)
Sometimes referred to as completed family size
Total fertility rate (TFR)
Vital indices
Crude birth rate; crude death rate
Disease indices
Measures of morbidity; measures of mortality
Measures of morbidity
Incidence rate; Prevalence rate
Measures of mortality
Cause-specific; Age-specific; Case fatality rate; maternal mortality; stillbirth or Fetal mortality; infant mortality; neonatal mortality
Risk of dying from a specific disease
Cause-specific mortality rate
Risk of dying from a specific age group
Age-specific mortality rate
Killing power of a disease. Also reflects care given to patients
Case fatality rate
Provide a baseline indicator that could define government priorities in terms of health policy formulation and service provision
Mortality statistics
Supplies basic information for planning appropriate preventive measures, stimulating medical research and highlighting topics of relevance in health education of the public
Mortality statistics
Number 1 cause for morbidity
Acute respiratory infection
Number 1 cause for mortality
Diseases of the heart
Number 1 cause for infant mortality
Bacterial sepsis of newborn
Acute watery diarrhea: morbidity or mortality?
Public insurance system where the workers and their families are insured by the state
Social security health care model
Residents of the country are insured by the state
Publicly funded health care model
Whole population or most of the population is a member of a sickness insurance company
Social health insurance
Six strategic instruments
Instrument ti increase resources for health that will be effectively allocated and utilized to improve the financial protection of the poor and vulnerable sectors
Health financing
Instrument to transform the health service delivery structure to address variations in health service utilization and health outcomes across socio-economic variables
Service delivery
Instrument to ensure equitable access to health services, essential medicines and technologies of assured quality, availability and safety
Policy, standards, and regulations
Instrument to establish the mechanisms for efficiency, transparency, and accountability and prevent opportunities for fraud
Governance for health
Instrument to ensure that all filipinos have access to professional health care providers capable of meeting their health needs at the appropriate level of care
Human resources for health
Instrument to establish a modern information system
Health information
Reducing exclusion and social disparities in health
Universal coverage reforms
Organizing health services around people’s needs and expectation
Service delivery reforms
Integrating health into all sectors
Public policy reforms
Pursuing collaborative models of policy dialogue
Leadership reforms
Universally available healthcare delivery regardless of geographic location
Encourages the community to participate in making decisions about their own health, identifying their own health needs and finding solutions to their health problems
Community participation
Involves all the important issues of health education, nutrition, sanitation, maternal and child health, and prevention and control of endemic diseases
Health promotion
Emphasizes those technologies that are scientifically sound, cost-effective and feasible to be introduced into the community
Appropriate technology
To be able to improve the health of local people the PHC program needs not only the health sector, but also the involvement of other sectors, like agriculture, education and housing
Inter-sectoral collaboration
Take into consideration the socio-cultural and economic sensitivity of the community in applying a technology or method intervention
Within easy reach of the community
Taking into consideration the prevailing norms and values of the community
Considering the financial cost of the service, social and moral cost of the program
Ability of a method or intervention to achieve a specified goal or objective, regardless of the amount of resources needed
Attainment of the maximum level of achievement of a prescribed goal or objective, with the least amount of resources needed
Even if the program is available for all, the priority is still on thise people who need the service most
Means not only the inclusion of the people in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention, but includes giving of the necessary skills for them to be able to do so
Traditional or PHC: decision making from bottom-up
First contacts of the community and the initial link in the health chain
Village or grassroot health workers
First source of professional health care
Intermediate level health workers
Physicians with some specialty area, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, etc., working in primary hospitals
First line hospital personnel
Is a measure of one characteristic of the natural growth or increase of a population