1st Midterm Study - Lecture Slides 1-9 Flashcards
what is Physical Activity
Encompasses all leisure and non-leisure movement produced by skeletal muscles, which result in a heightened energy expenditure above resting levels, to about 1.5 METS (metabolic equivalent of task)
what are four areas we can get physical activity
leisure time
what is Physical Fitness
A set of attributes that people have that relates to ability to perform physical activity with optimal efficiency.
what are two categories of physical fitness
general fitness,
specific fitness
general fitness is a state of health and well-being
specific fitness refers to the ability to perform specific aspects of a sport or occupation
what is Exercise
planned, structured, repetitive bodily movement where the primary objective is to improve or maintain physical fitness
what is Physical Inactivity
an insufficient physical activity level to meet present recommendations.
applies to all ages and ability groups, even though those groups have different recommended amounts
what are the recommended PA amounts for toddlers and preschoolers (1-4)
180 min of any-intensity PA per day
what are the recommended PA amounts for children and youth (5-17)
60 mins of MVPA per day
what are the recommended PA amounts for adults (18+)
150 mins of MVPA per week
what is sedentary behaviour
refers to waking activity characterized by energy expenditure under 1.5 METS while sitting, reclining, or lying down.
It is possible for someone to get the recommended PA amounts per week and still accumulate significant sedentary time.
what is the social cognitive theory
proposes that people learn through their experiences. self efficacy is the central theme, however the environment and social support are factors as well.
what are four components of social cognitive theory
outcome expectations
barriers and facilitators
what are 4 sources of self efficacy, and how could a QEP use each source to boost a client’s self efficacy
mastery experience
-start with small attainable goals
vicarious experience
-show them a success story
social persuasion
-enlist support of family\friends
emotional state
-help manage their stress or anxiety
what is the self determination theory
this theory proposes a spectrum of motivation. from amotivated to completely intrinsically motivated.
it aims to understand WHY an individual acts based on three factors:
(study the chart from L4 lecture slide)
(study the in-class assignment)
what is the trans theoretical model for change
proposes that people are in varied states of readiness for change:
(think about how a QEP could get a person to the next stage)
what is motivational interviewing
a client centered collaborative conversation style
what is the central purpose of motivational interviewing
to examine and resolve ambivalence towards change. designed to facilitate autonomy and intrinsic motivation
what is ambivalence to change
when a client both wants to and doesn’t want to change; they are sitting on the fence
what does OARS + I stand for
open ended questions (let the client lead, “what” “how” “tell me more about” “what would it look like if”)
affirmations (endorse success no matter how small)
reflection (on specific things)
summarizing (the conversation)
Information giving (“are you wanting some suggestions for”
what are the elements of motivational interviewing (PACE)
-this is a team effort
-do you see your clients have worth
-do you put client’s wellbeing first
-much of what is needed is already in your client
what are the rider, elephant, and path
rider of logical left brain,
elephant is intuitive right brain,
the path is the circumstances and structure that shape our choices (environment)
by changing the environment, you can make things easier for the rider to coax the elephant in the right direction.
ie. put shoes out so its more likely you’ll go on a run in the morning
according to james clear, what are the 4 LAWS to consider when developing a habit (OAES)
what is behaviour vs habit
a habit is a behaviour repeated enough to become automatic
according to james clear, what are the 4 STAGES to consider when developing a habit (CCRR)