1.Fats, esters, and practical techniques Flashcards
what is a simple triclyceride?
made of three molecules of the same fatty acid
what is a triclyceride?
triesters of an alcohol and three fatty acid molecules
what is glycerol?
an alcohol with 3 OH groups.
its propane-1,2,3-triol
what is a fatty acid?
long carboxillic acid chains
difference between saturated and unsaturated
unsaturated has a double bond
shorthand notation for fatty acids?
number of carbon atoms : number of double bonds (double bond position)
whats is cis/trans isomerism?
type of sterioisomerism.
same group is on the two carbons of a double bond
unhealthy fats
trans unsaturated
mp of trans and cis fats
cis packs less closly so will have alower mp and be a liquid
trans has higher mp so is solid
hydrogination reaction
Nickel catalyst
150 degrees
and hydrogen
in making fats more solid like butter
whatsare HDLs?
High density lipo proteins
transport cholesterol out of the blood and body and are good lipoproteins (via the liver)
what are LDLs?
low density lipproteins
carry cholesterol in the blood from liver to tissue and can diposit it there,
are bad
effect bad fats have on the body
increase LDLs levels
decrase HDLs levels
increase risk of heart disease
MAking bio diesel reaction?
NaOH (aq) and methanol/etanol
what is biodiesel?
ethyl or methyl ester of afatty acid