1C - population, sample and sampling Flashcards
population definition
the group of
people who are the focus
of the research and from
which the sample is drawn
sample definition
a subset of the
research population who
participate in a study
Generalisable (also
known as generalisability) definition
the ability for a sample’s
results to be used to make
conclusions about the
wider research population
Sampling technique definition
the way a sample is
selected from the
population for a study
Convenience sampling definition
any sampling technique
that involves selecting
readily available members
of the population, rather
than using a random or
systematic approach
Random sampling definition
any sampling technique
that uses a procedure
to ensure every member
of the population has
the same chance of
being selected
Stratified sampling definition
any sampling technique
that involves selecting
people from the population
in a way that ensures that
its strata (subgroups) are
proportionally represented
in the sample
Allocation definition
the process of
assigning participants to
experimental conditions
or groups
Advantages and disadvantages of convenience sampling
a: quick and easy
d: not representable of the population
Advantages and disadvantages of random sampling
a: free from bias. quick and easy
d: may not be representative of the population
Advantages and disadvantages of random sampling
a: more representative of the population
d: time-consuming