1B: software piracy and copyright Flashcards
software piracy meaning
illegal copying + use of software, occurs when intellectual property rights are infringed
plagiarism meaning
appropriating/imitating another’s ideas and manner of expressing and claiming them as your own
- when someone passes off someone else’s work as their own
copyright laws and their purpose
purpose: safeguard legal intellectual property rights of authors; provides economic incentives for creative activity
- protects expression of ideas rather than ideas themselves
current copyright act in australia
The Copyright Act 1968; copyright acts in a particular country are generally enforceable in other countries
copyright rights includes…
- right to reproduce copyrighted work
- to make derivative works; appropriations/adaptations
- to distribute to public
- perform certain works in public; music
- display certain works in public; art
how long does copyright last
commences upon creation of a work and lasts until the author’s death + 70 years
- exists regardless whether the work has been registered with copyright office, though must be registered before legal proceedings can commence
classifications of software under copyright
- commercial
- open source
- shareware
- public domain
refer to SDD half-yearly
ownership vs licensing
software obtained from outside sources = not owned by user
- software developer/author retains ownership of the product
limited use meaning
defining usage allowed of the product; software licenses do not give unrestricted use
- terms defined in license
program meaning
refers to computer software; includes both executable files and included data files
- does not include media, but software stored on media
reverse engineer meaning
the process of creating source code from a completed product without access to source code
decompilation meaning
the process of creating source code from compiled files
non-copyable datasheet
users required codes/answers from datasheet to continue using software
disk-copy protection
for floppy disks + CD-ROM; some copy-protected disks had data which could not normally be read, so unable to be copied
- all these have been cracked rapidly
hardware serial numbers
most hardware components on computers have embedded serial numbers which cannot be altered
- checked by program; if incorrect, program doesn’t run