1B - Involuntary Manslaughter - Unlawful Act Manslaughter - Case List Flashcards
R v Lamb
There was no unlawful act as pointing the gun wasn’t assault as they didn’t fear violence
A civil wrong isn’t enough for liability
CoA held that neglect is a failure to act and could not be UAM
The sober and reasonable person would foresee the D’s act would subject some harm to another
JM and SM
Type of harm is completely different from that which was foreseeable but CoA held that a sober and reasonable person only needed to foresee some harm and not a specific type
The act of threatening someone was assault and dangerous
D threatened a man with a razor blade to scare him, girlfriend intervened but was drunk, fell on the blade, and died
D punched a man in a post office queue who fell back into an old lady who died from her injuries
D decided to set fire to his council flat so he could be rehoused, but his wife, son, and another died in the fire. CoA convicted him of UAM
‘emotional disturbance’ on its own isn’t enough to amount to harm
Bristow, Dunn and Delay
CoA held that a sober and reasonable person would have been the risk of some harm from burglary
CoA held that the original attack was sufficiently serious as to be a cause of the subsequent death, and it was not necessary that it should be the only cause
The victim was not escaping, she was running home, not as a result of the threats. The threats, therefore, did not cause the victim’s death
The V jumped from the car so as to escape from Roberts sexual advances so therefore did cause her injuried
Drug use cases - R v Cato
Held that there had been an unlawful act of administering a noxious thing (heroin and water) and that that act had caused death. This act broke the chain of causation
Drug use cases - R v Dalby
The supply of drugs was not the cause of death. It was the V’s act of injecting himself which was the direct cause of death. This act broke the chain of causation
Drug use cases - R v Kennedy
Despite the D preparing the heroin and water for the V, the V injected it themselves, they didn’t cause the drug to be administered by the V. This act broke the chain of causation
Newbury and Jones
There is no requirement that the defendant foresees that some harm will result from his action