1a Pregnancy, Parturition and Late Fetal Development Flashcards
During the first trimester, why is embryo-fetal development relatively slow?
Because the embryo is dependent on histiotrophic nutrition
what is histiotrophic nutrition?
The derivation of nutrients from the breakdown of surrounding tissues
How does the syncytioblast invading the endometrium provide histiotrophic nutrition?
Invaded and breaks down local tissues, and used products to fuel development of the embryo
When does the switch from histiotrophic to haemotrophic nutrition occur?
At the start of the second trimester
How is haemotrophic nutrition achieved?
through haemochorial - type placentas where the materal blood is directly in contact with the fetal membranes
When is the haemochorial-type placenta activated?
Around 12th week of gestation
What is the amnion derived from?
What does the amniotic cavity become?
The amniotic sac
What does the amniotic sac do?
surrounds and cushions fetus during 2nd and 3rd trimester
What is the chorion?
The second fetal membrane which surrounds the whole conceptus unit
What is the connecting stalk?
Links the developing embryo unit to the chorion
What are the trophoblastic lacunae?
Large spaces filled with maternal blood formed by the breakdown of maternal capillaries and uterine glands
What are the intervillous spaces that are formed when maternal capillaries break down?
Maternal blood spaces
What are fetal membranes?
Extra-embryonic tissues that form a tough but flexible sac that encapsulates the fetus and forms the basis of the maternal-fetus interface
What is the amnion?
The inner fetal membrane which arises from the epiblast, and forms an enclosed, avascular sac with the developing embryo at one end
When does the amnion start to secrete amniotic fluid?
From 5th week - forms a fluid filled sac that encapsulates and protects the fetus
Which fetal membrane is highly vascularised?
What is the chorionic villi?
Outgrowths of the cytotrophoblast from the chorion that forms the basis of the fetal side of the placenta
How does the amniotic sac form?
Expansion of the amniotic sac by fluid accumulation forces the amnion into contact with the chorion, which fuse forming the amniotic sac
What is the allantois?
An outgrowth of the yolk sac which grows along the connecting stalk from embryo to chorion
How does the umbilical cord form?
Coated in mesoderm and vascularises to form the umbilical cord
What is found on the inside and outside of the amniotic sac?
Amnion on the inside, chorion on the outside
Where do the primary chorionic villi project to?
they project through the syncitiotrophoblast layer into the maternal endometrium
What happens in the primary stage of chorionic villi development?
outgrowth of the cytotrophoblast and branching of these extensions
What happens in the secondary stage of chorionic villi formation?
Growth of the fetal mesoderm into the primary villi
What happens in the tertiary phase of chorionic villi development?
Growth of the umbilical artery and umbilical vein into the villus mesoderm providing vasculature
Describe the microstructure of the terminal villus?
A convoluted knot of vessels and vessel dilation
Why is the terminal villus knotted?
Slows the blood flow, allowing exchange of material between maternal and fetal blood
What coats the entire terminal villus structure?
the trophoblast
What is the approx diameter of the terminal villus during early pregnancy?
150-200 micrometers in diamete
What is the approx diameter of the terminal villus during late pregnancy?
the villli thin to 40 micrometers
What happens to the thickness of the trophoblast that surrounds the terminal villi as you move from early to late pregnancy?
10 micrometers to 1-2 micrometers
What forms from the branching of uterine arteries?
Arcuate arteries
What branches from the arcuate arteries?
Radial arteries
What do the radial arteries branch to form?
Basal arteries
During menstrual cycle endometrial thickening what do the basal arteries form?
Spiral Arteries
What happens to the spiral arteries if implantation does not occur?
The spiral arteries regress
What do the spiral arteries do?
provide the maternal blood to the endometrium
How does the endovascular EVT form?
The EVT cells (Extra-villus trophoblast) cells coating the villi invade down into the maternal spiral arteries
What is meant by the process of conversion?
When the spiral artery is converted into a low pressure, high capacity conduit maternal blood flow
How is glucose transported across the placenta?
Facilitated diffusion by transporters on maternal side and fetal trophoblast cells
How is water transported across the placenta?
Placenta is the main site for exchange, through some crosses the amnion-chorion
Majority is through diffusion, though some local hydrostatic gradients
How are electrolytes transported across the placenta?
Large traffic of sodium and other electrolytes across the placenta - through a combination of diffusion and active energy dependant co-transport
How is calcium transported across the placenta membrane?
Actively transported against a concentration gradient by magnesium ATPase calcium pump
How are amino acids transported across the placenta?
Reduced maternal urea excretion and active transport of amino acids to fetus
How does maternal cardiac output change during the first trimester?
Increases by 30% during first trimester (through increases in stroke volume and rate)
How does maternal peripheral resistance change through pregnancy?
Decreases up to 30%
How does maternal blood volume change near term?
blood volume increases by 40% near term
How does maternal pulmonary ventilation change during pregnancy?
How much glucose and oxygen supplied by the mother does the placenta consume?
How is the affinity for O2 different between maternal and fetal haemoglobin?
HbF has a higher affinity for Oxygen than Maternal Hb
Why does the placenta consume so much glucose and oxygen?
it is a highy metabolic tissue