1A Flashcards
gymnast pron.
decorate v. /ˈdekəreɪt/
to give somebody an award or medal as a sign of respect for something they have done v.
Ex.: She was decorated for her efforts during the war.
Ex.2: decorated war heroes/veterans
to give somebody an award or medal as a sign of respect for something they have done v.
decorate v. /ˈdekəreɪt/
Ex.: She was decorated for her efforts during the war.
Ex.2: decorated war heroes/veterans
autobiography pron.
soar v. /sɔːr/
if the value, amount or level of something soars, it rises very quickly v.
Ex.: soaring costs/prices/temperatures
Ex.2: Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.
Ex.3: Unemployment has soared to 18 per cent.
(of value, amount or level of st) to rise very quickly v.
soar v. /sɔːr/
Ex.: soaring costs/prices/temperatures
Ex.2: Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.
Ex.3: Unemployment has soared to 18 per cent.
podium pron.
liking n.
the feeling that you like somebody/something; the pleasure in something; fondness n.
Ex.: He had a liking for fast cars.
Ex.2: She had taken a liking to him on their first meeting.
the feeling that you like somebody/something; the pleasure in something; fondness n.
liking n.
Ex.: He had a liking for fast cars.
Ex.2: She had taken a liking to him on their first meeting.
inspirational pron.
bubbly a. /ˈbʌbli/
(informal) (of a person) always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic
Ex.: Julie’s bright, bubbly personality
Ex.2: He’s a really bubbly and outgoing boy who loves acting.
(informal) (of a person) always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic a.
bubbly a. /ˈbʌbli/
Ex.; Julie’s bright, bubbly personality
Ex.2: He’s a really bubbly and outgoing boy who loves acting.
legion n. /ˈliːdʒən/
a large group of soldiers that forms part of an army, especially the one that existed in ancient Rome n.
Ex.: the French Foreign Legion
Ex.2: Caesar’s legions
a large group of soldiers that forms part of an army, especially the one that existed in ancient Rome n.
legion n. /ˈliːdʒən/
Ex.: the French Foreign Legion
Ex.2: Caesar’s legions
inappropriate pron.
glossary pron.
intrusive pron.
introductory pron.
- not exciting; not feeling or showing interest or enthusiasm a.
- (of voice) not showing much emotion; not changing much in tone a.
Flat a.
Ex.1: He felt very flat after his friends had gone home.
Ex.1: It was a curiously flat note on which to end the election campaign.
Ex.2: Her voice was flat and expressionless.
Ex.2: He spoke in a flat Midlands accent.
Ex.2: He went on in a flat tone.
Flat (2) a.
- not exciting; not feeling or showing interest or enthusiasm a.
- (of voice) not showing much emotion; not changing much in tone a.
Ex.1: He felt very flat after his friends had gone home.
Ex.1: It was a curiously flat note on which to end the election campaign.
Ex.2: Her voice was flat and expressionless.
Ex.2: He spoke in a flat Midlands accent.
Ex.2: He went on in a flat tone.
used to introduce one of two or more reasons for doing something i.
for one thing i.
Ex.: ‘Why don’t you get a car?’ ‘Well, for one thing, I can’t drive!’
for one thing i.
used to introduce one of two or more reasons for doing something i.
Ex.: ‘Why don’t you get a car?’ ‘Well, for one thing, I can’t drive!’
source n.
fonte, origem, causa n.
fonte, origem, causa n.
source n.
pessoa procurando emprego n.
job-seeker n.
job-seeker n.
pessoa procurando emprego n.
elite pron.
/eɪˈliːt/, /ɪˈliːt/