1989: The end of history Flashcards
Were there any changes?
Yes, there was a clear and palpable political change and a change in social structures.
A transnational phenomenon, a moment of sweeping change. The end of cold war order but not of the western structure.
What happened/why?
It was the biggest geopolitical train wreck since ww2
Pro soviet communist rule ended mostly by 1989
collapses into federal republic of Germany
Czech comes out of communism, splits into Czech Republic and Slovakia ‘velvet revolution’( non-violent transition of power)
Bulgaria ends sort of communist rule, but it is a pink regime a form of reformed communism/ light communism. A lot of structures remain in place but not solely just communist party.
Consequence of collapse/ cause of it was dissolution of USSR – sets of countries drift away through independence
What happened following the collapse?
Succession of conflict/ territorial conflicts
Gorbachev policies?
Decolonisation of sorts, soviet no longer has resources to maintain presence everywhere following 1979 war against afghan
Not end communism, not changing in complete fundamental way, wants to improve communism, no capitalism
glasnost ‘openness’ 1985 relaxing of censorship
perestroika ‘restructuring’ 1987, after failure of uskoreniye ‘acceleration’ (improve productivity in Soviet Union).
What was the problem of Agency in 1989 revolution?
‘uncivil society’ crumbles – comes from idea communist regime is form of uncivil society, fundamentally flawed, economic ruin etc.
pol bankrupt –try to walk away with as much money as possible.
people power – Poland solidarity the masses participating and making rev happen.
What happened in Poland?
Poland in some respect has always been unruly state, really hates Russia and Germany
In 1970-76 there was a no. of very serious strikes and protests in response to price hikes
1980 formation of solidarnosc (solidarity) trade union which was legally recognised by polish state. This was the first time anywhere in soviet bloc that a independent force of this kind winds up being allowed to come into existence this way.
10 million members in 2 months
1981-3 martial law declared, there are leader arrests and it becomes clear that it is out of control and the military are worried = a coup.
1988 universities, factories go on strike and the government tries to sue solidarity as a negotiating partner
1989 round table talks semi free elect follow student union, churches and ex solidarity. But there are only 45 seats actually up for election the other 65 are communist
161 available solidarity wins 160 seats
1989 elections, solidarity wins overwhelming victory paving away from free elections in 1990
What happens in the summer 1989?
Hungary announces opening border with Austria
GDR citizens flee, ‘holiday makers’ flee to FRG
What happens in Autumn 1989?
Mass portests
Start making demands
Those leading protests don’t want to see GDR collapse
GDR know they have to reform
Schabowski ‘opens’ the border, didn’t attend the meeting hasn’t read the book.
What the opening of a border a mistake?
A ‘mistake’ but there was a new leader since October that was pushing for liberalization, emigration crisis becoming unsustainable.
Reform was expected and maybe even bold change, just not yet and not in his form.
The end of history?
…and triumph of the west, this idea is associated with francis fukuyama
International structure inherited from ww2 erased – UN and its veto wielding security council unchanged. NATO enlarged not eliminated despite the communist enemy gone.
What was NATO’s new focus?
The new focus is on the middle east
New paradigm globalisation, neo liberalism in ascendency in US 1980s but not inevitable
In EU – enlargement but not federalisation