President Corazon Aquino’s Government had 3 options regarding the Constitution.
- Revert/Restore the 1935 Constitution
- Retain & Reform the 1937 Constitution
- Pass a new constitution & break from the “Vestiges of Disgraced dictatorship.”
- President Aquino proclaimed a transitional constitution to last for a year while a constitutional commission drafted a permanent constitution.
MARCH 1986
- This Traditional Constitution, called the ___________________.
Freedom Constitution
- It maintained many provisions of the old one, including rewritten form the presidential right to rule by decree.
Freedom Constitution
- In _______, a constitutional convention was created.
- created by ___________ from varied backgrounds and representations that ________ appointed.
48 members
President Aquino
- The convention drews up a permanent constitution, it largely restored the set abolished by Marcos in ______ but with new ways to keep the president in check.
The new constitution was officially adopted _________.
February 2,1987
- Preamble
- 18 self-contained articles
It established the Philippines as a “___________________” where “_______________.”
Democratic Republican State
sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them
Allocate governmental power.
- Executive
- Legislatives
o Senate (upper chambers)
o House of Representatives (lower chambers) - Judicial
o Supreme Court
o Lower Courts
The constitution also established 3 Independent Constitutional Commissions
- Civil Service Commission
- Commission on Election
- commission on Audit
Changing Constitution
3 ways by which Constitution can be changed.
- Cha-Cha
- Con-Ass
- Con-Con
- Changing the Constitution is perennial issue that crops up, and terms such as _________-and _________ are regularly thrown around.
“Cha-Cha,” “Con-Con”
- _____________- provides for three ways by which the Constitution can be changed.
Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution
- Another method is through ______________, where Congress, upon a vote of two thirds of all its members, calls for a constitutional convention. They may also submit to the electorate the question of calling convention through a majority vote of all its members.
the Constitutional Convention (Con-Con)
- In a _______-, delegates will propose amendments or revisions to the constitution, not Congress.
- The third method is called the “___________. In this method, amendments to the constitution may be pronounced by the people upon a petition of at least ____ of the total number of registered voters.
People’s Initiative” (or PI)
- The _________does not provide for a method by which delegates to the Con-Con are chosen.
1987 constitution
- All legislative districts must be represented by at least ______ of the registered votes therein. No amendment is allowed more than once every five years since a successful PI.
- ___________ directs the Congress to enact a law to implement the provisions of the PI, which has not materialized.
The 1987 Constitution
- ___________ shall be valid only when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in the National referendum.
Amendments or revision to the Constitution