197.- Unreal conditional - Level 9 (Advanced) Flashcards
I had run
Yo hubiera/hubiese corrido
You (singular) had run
Tú hubieras/hubieses corrido
He had run
Él hubiera/hubiese corrido
She had run
Ella hubiera/hubiese corrido
We (masculine) had run
Nosotros hubiéramos/hubiésemos corrido
We (feminine) had run
Nosotras hubiéramos/hubiésemos corrido
You (plural) had run
Ustedes hubieran/hubiesen corrido
They (masculine) had run
Ellos hubieran/hubiesen corrido
They (feminine) had run
Ellas hubieran/hubiesen corrido
I would have run
Yo habría corrido
You (singular) would have run
Tú habrías corrido
He would have run
Él habría corrido
She would have run
Ella habría corrido
We (masculine) would have run
Nosotros habríamos corrido
We (feminine) would have run
Nosotras habríamos corrido
You (plural) would have run
Ustedes habrían corrido
They (masculine) would have run
Ellos habrían corrido
They (feminine) would have run
Ellas habrían corrido
If she had called earlier, he would have waited for her
Si ella hubiese llamado antes, él la habría esperado
If you had learned Spanish, you would have gotten the job in Madrid
Si hubieras aprendido español, habrías conseguido el trabajo en Madrid