188.- Pluperfect Subjunctive - Level 9 (Advanced) Flashcards
I had loved
Yo hubiera amado
You (singular) had loved
Tú hubieses amado
He had loved
Él hubiera amado
She had loved
Ella hubiese amado
We (masculine) had loved
Nosotros hubiéramos amado
We (feminine) had loved
Nosotras hubiésemos amado
You (plural) had loved
Ustedes hubieran amado
They (masculine) had loved
Ellos hubiesen amado
They (feminine) had loved
Ellas hubieran amado
I had run
Yo hubiese corrido
You (singular) had run
Tú hubieras corrido
He had run
Él hubiese corrido
She had run
Ella hubiera corrido
We (masculine) had run
Nosotros hubiéramos corrido
We (feminine) had run
Nosotras hubiésemos corrido
You (plural) had run
Ustedes hubieran corrido
They (masculine) had run
Ellos hubiesen corrido
They (feminine) had run
Ellas hubieran corrido
I had received
Yo hubiera recibido
You (singular) had received
Tú hubieses recibido
He had received
Él hubiera recibido
She had received
Ella hubiese recibido
We (masculine) had received
Nosotros hubiéramos recibido
We (feminine) had received
Nosotras hubiésemos recibido
You (plural) had received
Ustedes hubieran recibido
They (masculine) had received
Ellos hubiesen recibido
They (feminine) had received
Ellas hubieran recibido
We had invited Laura to the movies yesterday, but she was working
Hubiésemos invitado a Laura al cine ayer, pero ella estaba trabajando
Had you liked to do something fun yesterday?
¿Te hubiera gustado hacer algo divertido ayer?
I wish you had read that book!
¡Ojalá hubieras leído ese libro!
It was sad that I had not visited you guys right when I got there
Fue triste que no los hubiese visitado justo cuando llegué
I was glad you had called your grandmother
Me alegró que hubieses llamado a tu abuela
She’s mad that the firefighters hadn’t gotten there in time
Le enoja que los bomberos no hubieran llegado a tiempo
I wish you had gone to Peru; it was a good trip
Ojalá hubieras ido a Perú, fue un buen viaje
It would have been better if you hadn’t agreed to go so early
Habría sido mejor que no hubieses acordado ir tan temprano
I would have liked to go to your birthday party
Me hubiera gustado ir a tu fiesta de cumpleaños
We might have let you; you just had to ask
Puede que te lo hubiésemos permitido, solo tenías que preguntar
I was hoping that they had not taken the car to have the tires changed
Esperaba que no hubieran llevado el carro a que le cambiaran los neumáticos
It surprised me that he had not texted me today
Me extrañó que no me hubiera escrito hoy
Why do you think I hadn’t explained it well?
¿Por qué crees que yo no lo hubiese explicado bien?
Do you honestly wish I hadn’t come?
¿Honestamente desearías que no hubiese venido?