1945-1951 Flashcards
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
1945-6 Financial Crisis
During the war, Britain Had lost a ¼ of its wealth (the labour party had promised Reform and reconstruction tho)
• Labour had Promised to introduce nationalisationa and the welfate state after the 45 election but they struggle to pay for these
• Balence of payments crisis: Britain was spending £750 more abroad than wsd receiving in imports
• Britain had enormous debt after the war, America Loans
• Large over seas expendature, due to links with USA, they became involved with the COLD WAR against the USSR and COMMUNISM and HAD THE BRITISH EMPIRE TO GOVERN (this was gradualy lost tho)
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
• Keynes wanted a intrest free loan of $5000 Billion
• the usa didnt care and gave $3750 Billion instead with 2% intrest being paied over 50 years
• repay starts in 1951
• the loan is avalible by July 1946
Other terms om the loan include:
• no more imperial Prefferance
• convert £ and $ freely by 1947
• Canada helped by giving Britain $1500 Billion
Thanks Canada
• 1 year later most of the money was gone
• Deficite on the balence of payments was at £450 million by 1947
• 42% of imports were from the USA but only 14% of exports went there so giving more money than they were receoving from usa
• the post war boom: industrys were centerd in deprived old industry areas such as swansea so not very modern
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Marshall aid 1948
“lifeline to a sinking man”
At first the usa dosnt think free grants would benifit the usa
but Secretary of state Georhe Marshall fears depression in europe could lead to
and thus
the European Recovery program
gives grants
Beavan got $3000 million
$1200 million more than other countrys
with aids: rations are cut by ⅓ and the timber shortage is gone so housing can be built giving employment
• not solve all of britains problems
• only paid back by 2006
• only breathing space for britains economy to start to pay its debts
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Convertability Crisis 1947
Due to the loand from america, britain had to pay back the loan in Dollars
as the dollar was a strong currancy
it increased the amount being paid back
also affecting goods that were bought of the US in Dollars
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Cripps’ audterity programme rationing and subsides
Only if Britain increased exports to the USA will it wipe out the deficits on its balance of payments and achieve credit surplus
• and they can only do it with hard work by all Society sections so no relying on aid can do economic growth alone
Subsides keep prices of food down
Food price guarantees and subsides and modernization create 20% increase output between 1947 and 52 one of the most efficient in the world
Food shortages and restrictions
1951 meat bacon tea butter and sugar were still being rationed
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
The bad winter 1946-7
Coal and electricity demand increased
all fuels were rationed
and it was illegal to use electricity
Between 9:00 a.m. to 12 and between 2pm to 4 pm
2 million people were out of work in 1947 March
Many factories closed
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Restrictions on imports and controls
To achieve favorable balance of payments the government buys supplies of raw materials for industry and then give it to Industries to increase the exports of cars and tractors and ships etc
By 1951 exports increased by 150% of what exports were in 1938
A chronic decrease of consumer goods being produced
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
The devaluation of the pound
August 1949
nor $4.03 which is what it was
A recession in the USA and the decreasing UK gold and dollar reserves makes a 30% devaluation of the pound
Best however did make exports to the USA cheaper
But imports are more expensive
And the deviation the pound was humiliating to some people
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Cuts in government spending
£120 million cut in spending by November 1949 less than £300 million than what cripps hoped for but it was the only way to stop the split in the cabinets
Especially in particular over Bevan making prescriptions cost money
Some of the agreed cuts include: defense spending, house subside, food subsides
By 1950 maritime trade was no longer needed
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
The Korean War 50-53*
So the USA in the UK are mates and then mates in this organization called the UN who is also mates with South Korea
South Korea has been attacked by North Korea and later China and secretly the USSR, this is because both Korea think they’re the real Korea and want to get rid of the other Korea and take back the rest of Korea
So everybody has a war
Import prices increased due to the war this is due to the USA having a shortage of raw materials increasing the price
Voluntary wage restraint ended which meant that inflation increased to 12%
January 1951 the Cabinets decides increase to £4,700 million in spending on armed shortages for 3 yrs
increases economic shortages
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
Clause IV of labour’s constitution
This was their devotion to socialism
” common ownership of the means of the production, distribution and exchange”
Nationalisation which would increase efficiency and cooperation between Industries so government’s money can go elsewhere into reforms and things
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
New Jerusalem
Successes of nationalisation (Idelness)
20% of the economy was nationalised by post-war labour
10% of the workforce was nationalised
Mines had infusiasm of the workers because they had wanted this for a very long time
Power from capitalism to the State
Previous owners of businesses were paid a sum in compensation
Mine owners (national coal bord 1947) were compensated £164,600,000
Some industry focused in areas of declining staple Industries such as Swansea
Most Industries stay nationalised till the 1980s
Labour had few nationalisation economy plans by 1945 so this amount of nationalization was impressive
Coal output increased between 1946-1951
As they know what money is going where they can develop underdeveloped Industries and use the extra money elsewhere such as reforms
Nobody accused labour of doing communist Revolution this time good for them
Efficiency increased
1946 the Bank of England was nationalised
1948 the transportation Industries were nationalised and the national transport Commission was set up
1948-49 the nationalisation of gas and electricity expanding on what Baldwin did in 1926
14 regional boards were established
The Conservatives used this however to delay the nationalization of Iron and steel
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
New Jerusalem
That weaknesses of nationalisation (Idelness)
Industry needed a lot of Investments to modernize them which decreases profits
It wasn’t full nationalisation
As public corporations were made such as the BBC in 1927, Parliament have nominal responsibility for them but little control over these corporations
Therefore the government was only responsible for these public corporations but couldn’t actually control them so it was an actually nationalisation
It was very expensive
In theory the people own new Industries but it was still run by a private business without much input from the workers
The public corporations was a burden on taxpayers
Industrial democracy was not discussed
and state capitalism that they were doing was not really socialism
There was a fuel crisis in 1947
There was no central planning agency to allocate resources or find solutions to these public corporations problems which made any problem that occurred incredibly expensive
The Conservative Party you the nationalisation of gas and electricity to delay the nationalization of Iron and steel
It costs £2,700 million in compensation to compensate the previous industry owners and boards
The only opposition to nationalisation from the Conservative Party was forced steel and iron as it went against the Tory philosophy
Iron and steels only nationalised in 1951 where 107 companies with taken over by a public corporation
The House of Lords veto law 1949 meant that they could only veto new legislation for one year now unlike two years previously in the 1911 Parliament Act
Therefore the conservative chums in the house of lord with only stop the nationalisation of Iron and steel until 1950 hence why it’s wasn’t nationalised until 1951
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
New Jerusalem
National insurance (want)
• after 1942 labour was committed to social security and to provide adequate payments to ensure a minimum standard of living
• and payments to assist bringing children up known as a family allowance
• James Griffiths created the National Insurance act (1946)
– compulsory employment scheme (for equal contribution if everybody)
– divided the population into: employed, unemployed and self-employed
– needed to be a minimum number of contributions before payments can be made to cover sickness or unemployment benefits
– the insurance contributors get a burial Grant, Maternity grant and orphans, Widows and old age pensions (65yrs man and 60yrs w)
– there was also a child benefit of 25 p per week till over 15 years old
• pensions per person was 25s/week (equ £1.25)
– and 42s/week for a married couple (equ £2.10)
– Avg wage 1948 equ £3 so these payments were very generous compared to b4
• the 1948 version of the National Insurance act increased payments and generosity
– and officially ended the Poor Law
• you couldn’t claim National Insurance/pensions if you were:
– homeless, long-term unemployed, disabled and elderly people who just need more money
Clement Attlee [1945-51]
New Jerusalem
National Insurance (Want)
• the National Insurance scheme was good however they simply run out of money
• the National Insurance act of 1946 along with the whole scheme itself
– was criticized by both radical left-wing labours and right-wing Conservatives:
Right Wing Tories:
• it ignored private insurance and you can’t opt out of the national one (so must pay for both if u have private)
• it was universally priced and universal benefits meaning they were
– not adapted to people’s wages (given same as someone who earns/works more/less than you)
– or if they needed more support (given same if living in Statley home or poverty)
– so not Fair on those who work hard or in need as their pay is balenced out with ppl who dont need it
– selective targeting of who needs this support would be more efficient way of spending resources
• employers contribution discourages more employment
– as they would have to pay more contributions towards their employees national insurance if they had more employees
– possibly increasing Unemployment
Radical Left wing Labour
• they had decided that having to pay for a good standard of living wasn’t acceptable and people should have it anyway
• decided the benefits were too low
• if someone was unable to make payments towards the National Insurance then national assistance would need to be called to see if they were eligible or not
– which still included the means test which was very unpopular still
• the scheme was essentially insurance based on welfare which was the same as the 1911 version of the National Insurance act
– so little has changed ?
• there is an insufficient distribution of wealth towards the very poor (not enough to poor)
• some families is still in poverty as universal payments of this National Insurance isn’t enough for them
• so overall the National Insurance act of 1946 was good but they sort of ran out of money