190624_Vents & AW Monitors Flashcards
According to type of reservoir-how it gets and delivers breathing gases
• Bellows = Pneumatic
• Piston = Mechanical
• Volume = Neither?
- Ascending-ascend during expiratory phase
* Descending-descend during expiratory phase
Modes of ventilation
Older machines
• Time triggered and time cycled
• Cycle to the exp phase once a predetermined interval elapses from the start of inspiration.
• TV is a product of the set insp time and insp flow rate.
• “Controller ventilators”
Modern machines
• Patient can trigger
• Thus ”Non-controlled ventilators”
• Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) • Assist control (AC)
• Pressure support (PSV)
Volume controlled
- Terminates inspiration when a preselected TV is delivered. Most adult vents are V-cycled but have a second limit on insp. Pressure to guard against barotrauma.
- A percentage of TV is always lost to the compliance of the system. Usually about 4-5cc / cmH2O.
Pressure controlled
• Cycle into expiratory phase when a/w pressure reaches a predetermined level. TV and inspiratory time vary.
Electric control
All vents *battery backup
Pneumatically Driven Bellows Ventilator
• The bellows separate the driving gas from the pt. gas circuit.
- Double circuit
- Like practitioner squeezing the reservoir bag
• Bellows serves as the reservoir for pt. breathing gases
• The driving force is the pressurized gas that flows into the bellows housing
• During inspiration phase, the driving gas enters the chamber and increases pressure….usually 100% O2
• The above increase in pressure causes 2 things to occur:
- The ventilator relief valve closes (pop-off valve)-so no gas can escape into the scavenger.
- The bellows are then compressed and the gases in the bellows are delivered to the patient (analogous to you squeezing bag).
Bellows - During expiration
- The drive gas exits the bellows chamber, the pressure w/in the bellows and the pilot drop to zero causing the ventilator relief valve (pop-off valve) to open.
- Exhaled pt gas fills the bellows before any scavenging occurs because the valve ball produces a 2-3cm H2O back pressure-scavenging occurs ONLY when the bellows is filled completely.
- The relief/pop-off valve is ONLY open during expiration, and any scavenging occurs at this point
Drive gas
• Either Air or Oxygen
• Advantages/disadvantages
- When O2 used-can deplete oxygen quickly
- Why?
• Some machines can entrain room air-reducing need for Oxygen
- In austere conditions-ideal
Possible Issues w/ bellows
• Leaks-improper seating
• Hole in the bellows
- hyperinflation of the lungs
- O2 concentration can change
• Ventilator relief valve problems
- Hypoventilation-gas goes to scavenger rather than drive
- Caused by-disconnection, ruptured valve, or other damage
- Stuck valve in closed position-additional PEEP and excess pressure
- Excess suction from scavenging can also cause close the valve and cause increased pressure
Piston Ventilators
• Use computer controlled stepper motor vs drive gas
- Analogous to pushing plunger of syringe
• Single circuit
• Less gas used-great for remote locations
• More accurate TV delivery-Tied to piston movement
• However….Feedback mechanisms that help maintain stable tidal volume delivery are becoming increasingly more common.
• These include circuit compliance compensation & use of inspired tidal volume measurement as a feedback signal
Piston Ventilators cont.
During inspiration, the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)/maximum pressure (P max) valve is held closed. The pressure in the breathing circuit that is generated by the ventilator closes the fresh gas decoupling valve. This directs fresh gas flow toward the breathing bag during inspiration so it does not interfere with tidal volume accuracy. Excess gas fresh gas flows past the open adjustable pressure-limiting (APL) bypass valve, through the exhaust check valve, and to the scavenger. Note how the breathing bag is integral to circuit function during mechanical ventilation.
Piston Ventilators - first step of exhalation
patient exhales into the breathing bag, and fresh gas continues to flow in retrograde fashion, as shown (slide 19!)
Piston Ventilators - second step of exhalation
ventilator returns to its staring position, drawing in gas stored within the breathing bag and fresh gas from the gas supply system.
Once the piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, fresh gas flow reverses course and flows in retrograde fashion toward the breathing bag and the absorber.
Excess gas vents through the exhaust valve to the scavenger.
Possible Issues w/ pistons
• Refill even if a circuit disconnection occurs.
• If a circuit leak is present, piston ventilators may entrain room air through the leak, thereby diluting oxygen and anesthetic agent.
• The associated risks are hypoxemia and awareness.
- However, if this occurs, an alarm will alert the operator.
• A positive-pressure relief valve on the ventilator prevents excessively high breathing circuit pressure (60 to 80 cm H 2O).
Other Anesthesia vents
• Maquet FLOW-i Anesthesia System With Volume Reflector-newer vents, not commonly in use.
• Instead of a bellows or piston, the Maquet FLOW-i anesthesia workstation uses a device called the “volume reflector”
• The volume reflector is functional and “in-circuit” during all modes of ventilation.
• At the end of exhalation, the volume reflector is filled at its proximal end (nearer the patient) with exhaled gas and is filled distally with a mixture of exhaled gases and reflector gas.
• During inspiration-This reflector gas module pushes the exhaled gas back out of the volume reflector, much like a piston, through the carbon dioxide absorber to the patient. Fresh gas combines with the volume reflector outflow to maintain the desired oxygen and anesthetic concentration.
• The fresh gas modules and the reflector gas module work together in a coordinated manner to control gas flow and pressure in the breathing circuit so that operator determined ventilation parameters are maintained.
*****see slide 22!!!
Parameters Used to Describe Ventilation - TIME
• Divided into inspiratory & expiratory pds
• Expressed in seconds
• OR by relation of insp time to exp time and expressed as I:E ratio (~1:2)
• Used to define the number of respiratory cycles w/in a given time period
***insp = active & exp = passive, even on vent!
Parameters Used to Describe Ventilation - Volume
- Measure of the tidal volume delivered by the ventilator to the pt
- Volume of gas pt breaths
- Expressed in mls
- Expressed in Ls for minute volume
Parameters Used to Describe Ventilation - Pressure
• Impedance to gas flow rate • Impedance encountered in a) breathing circuit b) pt’s airways and lungs • Amount of backpressure generated as a result of a) airway resistance b) lung-thorax compliance • Expressed in cmH2O, mmHg, or kPa
Parameters Used to Describe Ventilation - Flow rate
• Rate at which the gas volume is delivered to the pt
- From the pt connection of the breathing system to the pt
• Refers to the volume change/time
• Expressed in L/sec or L/min
Ventilator Settings - Tidal volume
Tidal volume: 5-7ml/kg (older vents up to 10ml/kg)
Ventilator Settings - RR
RR: 8-12/min
Ventilator Settings - Flow rate
Flow rate: About 4-6 X minute ventilation (MV=TVXRR)
Ventilator Settings - I:E ratio
I:E ratio: physiologic is 1:2
• Can calculate TI by the following equation
TI=TV/Flow rate
• Can calculate TE Determined by insp. flow rate, and RR/min
Calculating Time In and Time Out
TI=TV/Flow rate & Exp rate determined by flow rate and RR/min
Example: CMV RR=12b/min, TV=500mL, Insp flow=30L/min
0.0167min X 60sec=1 second
TE=first figure out total time of each ventilation for 1 minute cycle
Total=60 seconds ÷ 12b/60 seconds=5 seconds
Exp time=5-1=4
I:E= 1:4 in our scenario
Ventilator Settings - Peake Pressure
we set
Physiologic factors
• Oxygen delivery=CO X O2 content
• Oxygen content=
(hgb X %Sat X 1.34~1.39ml O2) + (PaO2 X .0031 ml O2)
Pt oxygenating? O2 Sats!!!!!
One gram of pure Hb combines with 1.39ml of O2.
For each mmHg of PO2 there is .0031ml O2 /100ml of blood ~ meaning nml arterial blood with a PO2 of 100mmHg contains 0.3ml of O2 /100ml.
Pt oxygenating?
O2 Sats!!!!!
How Much O2 Do We Give? ~ Factors to consider
Hypoventilation- reduces PaO2 except when the subject breathes enriched O2 mixture (FiO2)
PaO2 = PIO2 – PaCO2/R + F
PIO2 = inspired O2 R= extraction ratio (0.8) F= correction factor {small and negligible}
Thus PaO2=PIO2-PaCO2/R
increading FiO2 → increased SaO2
increase FiO2 by 10% = increase PaO2 by ~50mmHg PaO2 FiO2 100 21% 150 30% 200 40% 250 50%
Low pressure alarm (Disconnect alarm)
detected by a drop in peak circuit pressure
Sub atmospheric pressure alarm
pressure of = -10cm H2O
Sustained/continuing pressure alarm
15cm H2O for more than 10secs
High peak airway pressure alarm
detects excess pressure in system activated at 60cm H2O or set by practitioner
Low oxygen supply alarm
cannot silence
Ventilator setting alarm
vent’s inability to deliver the desired MV set (older machines)
Pt venilating?
ETCO2 = 30-35 (Dr E), 35-45~40 (Dr L)
pt stop ventilating for 2-3 min and can still maintain an O2 Sat of 95%
Increase Vt or RR?
Vol 1st, if pt will tolerate. Then RR 2nd.
Vol = more effective!
ETCO2 monitor
capnography-best for ventilation status and for revealing a disconnect.
***pt to machine
Oxygen analyzers
Most important monitor on the machine. Calibrate at 21% O2 ~ oxygentation
***machine to pt
Vent settings, PAP monitors
• TV volume sensor
• In expiratory limb (information from pt)
• Gas flow converted to electrical pulses
• Exhaled Vt expect to measure is:
Vt = Vt set on vent + Vt fresh gas flow – Vt lost in system
• Exhaled volume monitor• Activated automatically once breaths are sensed and always active during mechanical vent
• Apnea • If sufficient breath, based on TV setting, not achieved within 30secs
• Low minute volume (older machine)
SLIDES 38 & 39!
ICU vents VS Anesthesia vents
- ICU ventilators are more powerful allowing for greater inspiratory pressures and tidal volumes
- CO2 absorber
- ICU ventilators support more modes of ventilationchanging!
- Gas supplied by the ICU ventilator directly ventilates the patient
- Anesthesia driving gas never reaches the patient
- 100% O2 in old machines
- Air/100% O2 in newer models
CV-controlled ventilation
by vent
Intermittent mandatory volume (IMV)
- The pt breaths spontaneously, while the vent delivers a preset TV at a predetermined interval through a parallel vent circuit.
- Used as a weaning technique.
- Fixed rate.
- NOT synched with pt.
like IMV but synched with pt’s effort
• The pt breaths spontaneously and at a predetermined interval the spontaneous breath is assisted by the machine.
It times the mechanical breath with the BEGINNING of a spontaneous effort.
• Waking pt up in OR.
Intermittent mode of positive pressure ventilation.
The pt’s inspiratory effort creates a sub-baseline pressure in the inspiratory limb of the vent circuit that then triggers the vent to deliver a predetermined TV.
If the pt’s rate drops below a present minimum rate, the machine takes over with controlled vent mode.
• All breaths the pt takes are a full assisted ventilator breaths.
• Can be pressure controlled or volume controlled.
Vol-Pressure-Flow curves
Pressure Support (PSV)
aid in normal breathing with a predetermined level of positive a/w pressure.
Pt spontaneously breathing.
PSV senses patient inspiratory effort (volume or flow) and delivers pressure support.
Results in larger VT than the patient would produce on their own.
PSV is useful to support minute ventilation and control arterial carbon dioxide for spontaneously breathing patients during maintenance or emergence.
High frequency ventilation
Low tidal volumes, less than dead space, with a high rate [60-300bpm]
Typical settings
• 100-200bpm
• IT 33%
• Drive pressure: 15-30psi
Goal-maintain pulm gas exchange at lower mean ?a/w? pressures
• Used in ESWL?
Pressure control ventilation
- Pt or time triggered pressure limited, time-cylced mode of vent support.
- Gas flow decreases as a/w pressure rises and ceases when a/w pressure equals the set peak inflation pressure.
- TV is not fixed
- Used in situations where pressures can be high
- Useful in neonates/premies
***see slide 50 for curve
- Continuous positive pressure a/w pressure
- Positive pressure is maintained during both inspiration and expiration.
- Can be provided with mask
- Caution: if pressures>15cm H2O, can cause regurgitation and aspiration
**CPAP up lung = increased oxygenation