1900-1920 Flashcards
New York State Tenement House Law – The legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the “Dumbbell Tenement.” Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer. Requires permits for construction, alteration and conversion, inspections, penalties for construction, space for light and air between structures, and toilet and running water for each apartment.
● U.S. Reclamation Act – uses funds from the sale of public lands to finance water storage and irrigation projects
● McMillan Plan created for the development of Washington D.C. Created by Millan Commission (Sen. James McMillan, Daniel Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., Charles McKim). Inspired by the original 1791 plan for the City by Pierre L’Enfant.
● Cleveland Group Plan – first local civic center plan in the U.S. Daniel Burnham, John Carrere, and Arnold Brunner were responsible for the plan’s development. Stimulated civic plans throughout U.S.
● Letchworth, England designed as a City of 35,000 surrounded by greenbelt (Garden City).
● First national wildlife refuge established by Theodore Roosevelt at Pelican Island, FL.
● Antiquities Act of 1906 – First law to institute federal protection for preserving archaeological sites. Provided for designation as National Monuments areas already in the public domain that contained “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest.”
● Plan of San Francisco – San Francisco was the first major American city to apply the City Beautiful principles, using a plan developed by Daniel Burnham.
● First town planning board was created in Hartford, Connecticut (Hartford Commission).
● Pittsburg, PA – First comprehensive social science city survey (Shelby Harrison)
● Hampstead Garden Suburb, England – First neighborhood unit design (Raymond Unwin)
● Chicago Plan – Daniel Burnham created the first metropolitan regional plan for Chicago. Creates large area with outer belt of regional parks and reservations, radial and concentric highways, lakefront park system, straightens Chicago River.
● Washington, D.C. – First National Conference on City Planning and the Problems of Congestion (Benjamin Marsh, Henry Morgenthan)
● Wisconsin was the first state to pass enabling legislation.
● Los Angeles was the first city to use land use zoning to guide development.
● “The Principles of City Planning” Harvard Univ. – First American course in city planning (James Sturgis Pray)
Forest Hills Gardens, Long Island, NY – First American application of the neighborhood unit idea
1910 - 1913:
Frederick Winslow Taylor publishes The Principles of Scientific Management, fountainhead of the efficiency movements in this country, including efficiency in city government.
● “Eubank v City of Richmond” – finds that municipal control of the horizontal location of buildings on private property (via setback legislation) is constitutional.
● Walter Moody published Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago, adopted as an eighth-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
● Federal Reserve Act – created Federal Reserve as central bank
● US Transcontinental Highway – Lincoln Hwy
● WWI begins
● Panama Canal completed and opened to world commerce
● Carrying Out the City Plan by Flavel Shurtleff (first major text on city planning)
● Newark, New Jersey hired the first full-time employee for a city planning commission, Harland Bartholomew. Bartholomew went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants.
Hadacheck v Sebastian” – regulation not precluded by fact the values on investments prior to regulation would be diminished by the regulation (essentially validated zoning).
● Nelson P. Lewis published Planning of the Modern City
● Nation’s first comprehensive zoning resolution adopted by New York City Board of Estimates under the leadership of George McAneny and Edward Bassett, known as the “Father of Zoning”.
● Federal-Aid Road Act – aided with state highway construction (4.7 million cars by 1917).
● National Park Service established.
American City Planning Institute (ACPI) created. First professional planning organization in America. Frederick L. Olmsted, Jr. (first president)
● WWI ends.
● U.S. Housing Corporation and Emergency Fleet Corporation established. Influenced later endeavors in public housing. Operated at major shipping centers to provide housing for World War I workers
● Three early unfunctional regional authorities: The Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, the Metropolitan Water Board and the Metropolitan Park Commission – combined to form the Boston Metropolitan District Commission.
● Bronx River Parkway, NY – First American Parkway
● Ohio Planning Conference – First statewide citizen’s association in support of planning; model for APA.