19. Light absorption in solutions. Flashcards
Light absorption in solutions. The phenomenon and its physical description. Absorption spectrum and its measurement. Practical applications.
What does the Beer-Lambert law state? Give its formula and define each upcoming term.
Beer-Lambert law states that light absorption in dilute solutions depends on the concentration of the solute.
Formula: lg J0/J = A = ε(λ) * c * x
What happens on the atomic scale when light is absorbed or emitted? Refer to the model below and name it.
The model is called Bohr’s model.
Absorption & emission:
- incoming photon is absorbed by the atom
e- is excited
- either: remains excited = absorption, therfore no further photon emission
- or: e- returns to ground state, a photon is emitted = emission
The molar extinction coefficient ε(λ) depends on.. ? What is its unit?
- type of molecules that are dissolved
- wavelength
Unit: L/(mol*cm)
What is an absorption spectrum? Answer the questions below refering to the spectrum:
- What does the height of the curves say about ε(λ)?
- What does the height of the curves say about thickness/conc.?
- What does the height of the curves say about the behavior of e- in the solution?
- How can the color of the substance be obtained from the absorption spectrum?
An absorption spectrum is the graphical display of the wavelength dependence of absorption.
- Materials absorb at different λ ranges and the extinction coefficients ε(λ) in the absorption bands can differ significantly (different height) if conc./thickness remain constant.
- If conc./thickness are increased the height increases proportionally, because the absorbance is dependent on the conc./thickness (Beer’s law)
- Locations of the maxima in the absorption spectrum are related to the Eexcitation of e- characteristic for that molecule.
- The visible color of the solution is the complementary color of the color in which the light is absorbed (the λ).
How is the absorption spectrum measured? Why do we need it in practice? Describe the 3 steps of the measurement.
The equipment used to measure the absorption spectra is called “absorption spectrometer”.
→ unknown cion can be determined in complex solutions (complex = ions + ligands)
Stepwise measurement:
- Unknown cion at different λ’s measured, λ that corresponds to the maximum of the complex solution determined (complex = ions + ligands)
- λ of maximum absorption is set, and OD of different complex solutions (increasing cligand) measured
- Data plotted (y-axis = OD, x-axis = cligand)
→ point where the curve breaks = saturation point, cligand equals to unknown cion
What is the difference between spectrometry and spectroscopy?
Spectrometry or spectrophotometry is the quantitative analysis of the spectrum
Spectroscopy is the qualitative analysis of the spectrum
How can the transition energy of a photon be calculated for an absorption spectrum based on its wavelength?
According to Planck’s law:
ΔE = Ephoton = Eexcitedstate - Egroundstate = h * f = h * c/λ