19/6 1st Religious Studies Exam Flashcards
What do Libertarianists believe?
They maintain that we are free to act and are morally responsible.
What did John Stewart Mill say about free will?
“In this age, the mere example of non-conformity, the refusal to bend to the knee is in its self a service.”
Outline moral responsibility?
It may be mitigated by the degree of how free we were when committing the act.
Why did Mill believe free will was paramount?
So we could develop into rational being.
What did Mill say about society?
“Society is only as good as the individual.”
What does Islam teach about individuality?
It teaches complete surrender to Allah, so any idea of the ‘individual’ is alien to them.
What did St.Augustine say about the Bible?
The Bible consists of moral stories to teach us.
What kinds of social sciences and sciences go against free will?
Biological and psychological determinism, as well as behaviorism. Like that of Bandura, Freud, Zimbardo and Skinner.
How does our own free will affect others?
If we choose to not let somebody past on a thin path, they’re forced to move not by choice.
How do our genes determine us?
They separate us from animals.
What did Kant believe about humans?
We are free to make rational choices.
What is the conscience?
The way we decide what’s right and wrong through moral obligations and it shouldn’t be ignored.
What did Gasley say the Bible’s purpose was?
To tell battles of will and the reflection of sin.
What did St.Paul say about the conscience?
He called it “an awareness of good vs bad”
What did Bowie say the conscience was?
“It is the built-in monitor of moral action.”
What does the conscience do?
The reason making moral judgments or choice values.
What did Aquinas believe the conscience was?
It was a device to help make moral decisions rather than an inner knowledge.
What did Buther believe the conscience was?
A god given gift such as self love and benevolence from god.
What is Syndensis?
It’s the right reason, awareness to do right over wrong.
What is conscientia?
It distinguishes between Right and wrong.
What did Aquinas say that was bad about the conscience?
It can be wrong.
What did Newman describe the conscience was?
“A law written by god.”
What is hard determinism?
All human actions are caused by prior influences.
What is soft determinism?
Some human actions are determined, but we still have moral judgments.
What is free will?
The ability to act at one own’s discretion.
What did Spinoza say about determinism in every day life?
He says we’re ignorant to the causes all around us.
What did Honderich say about determinism?
Are actions are no more than effects of other equally necessitated events.
What influences effect someone’s determinism?
Socio-economic and religio-cultural
What do soft determinists believe?
They believe free will and determinism are compatible.
What other name do soft determinists go by?
What did Hume believe?
All actions have a cause,
What did Aquinas believe?
“Man chooses out of necessity but freely.”
Quote Honderich on hard determinism?
“Determinism is true, soft determinism is false.”
What did John Locke say about hard Determinism?
“Freedom of choice is an illusion.”
How does guilt prove free will?
We know we’ve done wrong willfully that’s why we feel remorse.
How does the criminal justice system prove that we have free will?
Because criminals are always held accountable.
What did Peter Van Inwagen refer to free will and determinism as?
Free will: walking down a road with turnings.
Determinism: walking down a road with no turnings.
How did Hume support free will?
Correlation not causation.
How does Voltaire argue we are determined in every way?
Everything we do and everything we are is effected by other things.
What are virtue ethics?
Concentrated on improving the human character.
What did Aristotle argue about goals?
All humans do actions with one end; the greatest good.
What is Eudaimonia?
What makes someone truly happy and should be pursued by everyone.
Give three examples of Aristotle’s vices of deficient and excess of virtues?
Deficiency: Mean: Excess:
Cowardice. Courage. Rashness.
Insensibility. Temperance. Intemperance.
Pettiness. Munifence. Vulgarity,
What did MacIntyre say about morality today?
“We have very largely, if not entirely lost our comprehension, both theoretical and practically of morality.”
What three types of people did MacIntyre propose?
The manager: pursues efficiency
The aesthete: treats others as they wish to be treated
The therapist: concerned with others.
What is a perfect society?
One in which people recognize commonly agreed virtues and aspire to meet them.
What are Aretes?
What are Ethos?
What is supreme happiness?
Happiness of the individual and the community.
What are the four cardinal christian virtues?
Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.
What are Artistole’s six virtues?
Prudence, intuition, intelligence, wisdom, scientific knowledge and art of crafts,
What did Aristotle say about actions?
“To judge a man is to judge his actions.”
What did Keenan say where the questions one should ask to discover more oneself?
Who am I? Who ought I to become? How do I get there?
What did Rachel’s say about life’s struggles?
Honesty, loyalty, friendship help humans through struggles.
Define virtue?
Virtues are our intentions and the wish to act.
What four types of people did Aristotle propose?
Virtuous, consistent, inconsistent and vicious.
What did Aristotle say about actions?
“It’s not the winning that counts it’s the taking part.”
What are MacIntyre’s six virtues?
Courage, justice, temperance, widows, industriousness, hope and patience.
What did Anscome believe?
Virtues and philosophy should be made more modern and done have to be in relation to god.
What is Anscombe’s supermarket analogy?
You can’t blame the recipe if it was correct but you just didn’t get the right ingredients from the store.
Outline Anscombe’s warm virtue ethics?
- belief in god not necessary
- ‘ought’ implies can
- disregards theoretical ideas.
What does Foot believe?
We are neglecting ethics.
What is an issue that virtue ethics has trouble conquering?
Stealing to feed your starving children.
How does Loudon criticize virtue ethics?
Offers no help for current dilemmas.
How does Foot refer to Humans?
As wood left out to warp in the weather, in the rain and sun to become stronger.
How is virtue ethics agent centered?
Concerned with the individual.
Who first proposed looking inwards?
What did Aristotle argue all people aim for?
How did Aristotle say we become virtuous?
“We become builders by building”
What two types of virtues are there?
Moral and intellectual.
How do we become virtues?
By doing virtuous things to a happy end.
How did Bauer criticize virtue ethics?
Only reachable by men, it’s sexist and androcentric.
Why does Foot say virtue ethics can’t be used to bad things?
It’s only virtuous if the end if to bring happiness.
What did MacIntyre say is most virtuous?
“Virtuous that sustain households and communities.”
What did Nietzsche and Machivali say about certain virtues?
Power and deceit are virtues not vices. They’re good things.
How can extreme characters be good for society?
For social change and non-conformity.
How does Keenan criticize the methodology behind virtue ethics?
How is it measured? Which is better and it’s very subjective.