18. Local Scale Hazard: Kobe Flashcards
Why does Kobe’s geographical location make it vulnerable to hazards?
- Much of city is located on a narrow coastal plain hemmed in by the Rokko mountains -> leads to high population densities alone coastline
- Crowded infrastructure
- Located on Eurasian and Philippine plates
- 30% of Japan’s commercial shipping in 1990
- Sat on fault lines
- Half of area built on reclaimed land - area shook for 2 mins even though quake lasted 20 secs
How did Kobe’s local character influence the severity of impacts of the Great Hanshin Earthquake?
- A lot of houses made of wood so vulnerable to fires
- Many houses had heavy tiles on roof to withstand typhoons but tiles injured and killed many people when supports collapsed
- It was suggested that as Kobe hadn’t experienced a serious earthquake in 400 yrs, the people and authorities hadn’t maintained sufficient emergency supplies
- Highways built on stilts but hadn’t been tested
- Many houses hadn’t been retrofitted
- According to 1981 codes, buildings not exceeding a height of 31m were designed elastically to withstand moderate earthquakes
How did Kobe’s local character affect the response to the Great Hanshin Earthquake?
- Local council criticised for not being prepared enough
- Now seen as a blueprint for other countries
- There was an illusion of preparedness
- Government were slow to react/ poorly managed
- 70% of port operations restored within 1 yr
- £95 bn spent on reconstruction
- Fires caused widespread damage with emergency services unable to reach the affected areas of the city quickly as freeway + major roads damaged
- Had to request assistance for SDF in in event of emergency -> at time had a socialist prime minister who was reserved at calling the SDF in -> 4 days before a build up of the emergency rescue people from outside
- The Yakuza (Japanse gangstas) were amongst the 1st on the scene offering assistance
- Problem with where to put temp housing as Ministry of Finance wasn’t buying private land for this purpose so it had to be on government land
In what ways has Kobe’s character altered due to its hazardous setting and how sustainable are these changes likely to be?
- Before the earthquake, people were complacent
- They have retrofitted a lot of buildings
- Put in more fire breaks in forest
- Implemented awareness and education programmes to better inform the community
- Provided structural engineers with more valuable info than any previous earthquake
- Clear protocols on how one local government area could call on police, ambulances and fire brigades from adjoining and local districts