18 Flashcards
The benefits system
people are helped by direct payments of government money
How to get additional income after retirement
contribute to a pension fund (superannuation scheme)
take out a life insurance policy
Income support
people not entitled to pension nor money for being unemployed
sometimes paid out if they have a large family or earn very low amount
What was the workhouse and for who was it?
hated institution in the 19th century for the old, sick, mentally handicapped and orphans
the Beveridge Report
government commisison (1942)
National Health Service
“Means test”
investigation into a person’s financial circumstances
“Sign on”
declaring yourself unemployed and applying for a “jobseeker’s allowance)
“Dole money”
jobseeker’s allowance
Number of charities
Well-known charities
The Samaritans
The Salvation Army
Medical insurance
organized by the government and compulsory
General Practicitioner
Problem with the NHS
Medical practitioners have to decide which parent will get the limited resources
Biggest private medical scheme
“Pay bed”
separate room for private patients in NHS hospitals
“Nursing homes”
private hospitals and clinics
Health tourism
British people going to other countries to get treatment faster and/or more cheaply
“Group practice”
Working in the same buildings as several other GPs and sharing facilites
Number for emergency help
Victorian reformer of nursing and hospital facilites
Florence Nightingale