17.3 Propeller Pitch Control Flashcards
Propellers are designed as either pusher or puller (tractor) propellers, which are then subdivided into fixed pitch propellers, adjustable pitch propellers, controllable and constant speeding propellers
Constant speed propellers are further categorised according to the method of pitch change used, for example hydraulic, mechanical, or electrical.
In the case of multiple engine aircraft and motorised gliders, an engine must produce as little drag as possible when it is shut down. Therefore, their blades can also be moved into the feathering position (least drag)
With large aircraft, the production of reverse thrust is intended to shorten the distance on landing. For this purpose, the propellers are turned into reverse pitch, where the air is accelerated forwards while the propellers continue to turn in the same direction. Thus, reverse thrust is produced
the following types of propellers commonly have hydraulic pitch change mechanisms:
Constant speed propellers (pitch change from low (fine) to high (coarse) pitch)
Constant speed propellers with feathering position
Constant speed propellers with feathering and reverse (for turboprop engines)
Disc Braking:
Some propellers can move their blades to a very fine (low) pitch on landing. This causes a negative angle of attack and thus a braking force. This force is proportional to the forward speed of the aircraft.
In the event of an engine failure, Centrifugal Turning Moments (CTMs) tend to move the propeller blades into a fine (low) pitch. Eventually, this results in a negative angle of attack and causes a large drag force like “Discing Braking.” The torque force is reversed, and this causes the airflow to drive the engine in the normal direction of rotation.
To prevent this undesirable condition, the propeller blades are moved through maximum coarse pitch until the blade chord line is approximately 90º to the plane of rotation. This feature is known as FEATHERING and reduces the drag by placing the leading edge directly into the oncoming airflow.
Blade ranges =
-BETA Range =Pilot controls the pitch on the ground
-Negative (Reverse) Pitch= Used for power-on braking and manoeuvring
Ground Fine Pitch = Used for engine starting and discing braking
ALPHA Range = Also known as the constant speed range - the propeller governor controls the pitch
Max Fine Pitch = Used for rapid acceleration during take-off, allowing a shorter take-off run
Coarse (High) Pitch = Used for high forward speed
The propeller pitch cannot be selected between Max coarse pitch and feather. In the event of engine failure on a multiple engined aircraft, the propeller moves to feather in one step.
The pitch change mechanism can be further categorised as:
moving piston
moving cylinder
moving piston
Moving piston pitch change is a self-explanatory expression to indicate that a piston is attached to the propeller blade lugs and moves within a cylinder.
The motive power used is oil pressure directed to one side or the other of the piston, although in some cases spring pressure is used on one side of the piston.
Note: Spring pressure, used in the context of propeller pitch change, can mean mechanical springs, compressed gas or even a combination of the two.
moving cylinder =
Moving cylinder pitch change is, again, a self-explanatory expression to indicate that the cylinder is attached externally to the propeller blade and moves in response to the pressure felt on one side of a fixed piston. A balance weight or oil can be used to turn the properller blade in the opposite direction.
Moving cylinder applications are generally found on smaller aircraft propellers.
Single Acting Propellers
Some propeller systems operate in such a way that oil pressure changes the pitch in one direction only. Movement in the opposite direction is the result of spring force and the torsion moments of the blades themselves.
Propellers that use such a pitch change mechanism are called single acting propellers.
Single Acting Propellers for Single Engine Aircraft
With these propellers, the oil pressure moves the blades in the direction of high (coarse) pitch and the spring moves it towards low pitch. After engine shutdown, the blades are in the lowest (fine) pitch stop position, which is optimal for restarting the engine. Should the engine fail during flight, this blade position is favourable for windmilling, which makes it easier to restart the engine.
Single Acting Propellers for Multi-Engine Aircraft
If single acting propellers are used on multi-engine aircraft, oil pressure moves the blades in the direction of low (fine) pitch. The springs and torsional moments of the blades, move the blades towards high pitch. If engine failure occurs during flight with decreasing oil pressure the blades move in the high (coarse) pitch direction. In this way they have already covered part of the transition to the feather position.
Centrifugal Force Pitch Change Moments
The centrifugal force of the propeller blade mass (CTM) produces a pitch change moment which turns the blade in the direction of low (fine) pitch. The creation of this natural pitch change moment (or fly-moment) is due to the distribution of the propeller blade mass
If the propeller blade is to turn towards low (fine) pitch because of centrifugal force, then a counterweight must be attached to the blade root. The natural forces on a propeller blade want to drive the propeller blades to a low pitch. In flight, this is an unsafe failure condition.
At low pitch in flight, a propeller can windmill, overspeed, and produce high drag
Counterweights can be attached to the blade which will cause the centrifugal loads on the counterweights to drive the blades towards a higher pitch (towards the feather).
In this way, a loss of hydraulic pressure will cause the pitch to increase to a safe setting.
Double Acting Propellers
Large propellers are generally constructed with pitch change mechanisms where oil pressure leads to pitch change in both directions. These are called double acting propellers.
If the control valve is mounted behind the gearbox in the constant speed unit (CSU), the propeller shaft must have two oil transfer tubes, one for the front and one for the back of the piston. These oil tubes are constructed as coaxial tubes
The valve for controlling the flow of oil to the two ends of the piston is mounted either behind the gearbox or in the propeller hub.
A double-acting propeller typically uses oil pressure, either from the normal high-pressure pump or from an auxiliary pump,
propeller governnor
A governor is an engine RPM-sensing device and high-pressure oil pump. In a constant-speed propeller system, the governor responds to a change in engine RPM by directing oil under pressure to the propeller hydraulic cylinder or by releasing oil from the hydraulic cylinder. The change in oil volume in the hydraulic cylinder changes the blade angle and maintains the propeller system RPM.
On turboprop and reduction geared piston engines, a propeller governor is mounted on and driven by the reduction gearbox.
Direct drive piston engines can have the governor mounted on the front of the engine crankcase and driven by the camshaft or mounted on and driven by the accessory gearbox.
Depending on the manufacturer, the propeller governor can be classified as a Constant Speed Unit (CSU), a Propeller Control Unit (PCU) or a Propeller governor.
he CSU is a mechanical device that senses changes in engine speed caused by a change in power output, by means of a flyweight governor. This governor controls a hydraulic servo system feeding high-pressure oil, via a pilot valve, to a piston in the pitch change mechanism (PCM).
The governor assembly consists of:
A spur gear type pump to provide a positive operating pressure for the system
A pilot valve to control the oil flow to and from the pitch change mechanism
a safety spring is fitted at the top of the governor so that in the event of a control lever failure, the spring drives the governor to the low (fine) pitch position thereby enabling thrust to be maintained.
Pilot inputs to the governor can be by either the power lever linkage (single lever control) or a separate propeller conditioning lever (twin lever control).
On-speed Condition
When the engine is operating at the RPM set by the pilot, using the cockpit control, the governor is operating at a neutral “on speed” condition
While the governor assembly is in this neutral position (flyweights in the vertical position
Propeller RPM is determined by the balance between the engine power produced and the braking moment of the propeller blades.
Under-speed Condition
If the pilot requires a higher propeller RPM the propeller control lever (conditioning lever) is moved forwards to the new selected speed. This exerts more tension on the speeder spring overcoming the centrifugal force on the flyweights and forcing the pilot valve down.
Over-speed Condition
If the pilot requires a lower propeller RPM the propeller control lever (conditioning lever) is moved rearwards to the new selected speed. This reduces the tension on the speeder spring allowing the centrifugal force on the flyweights to lift the pilot valve up.
Engine Stopped (Governor Functions)
No centrifugal force is acting on the flyweights, therefore the speeder spring loading pushes the landed valve down. Oil is trapped in the cylinder between the piston and the oil pump.
Start Up to Idle Plus
(governor functions)
As engine RPM is increased it causes the flyweights to move outwards until the constant speed condition is reached. i.e., Flyweight load equals speeder spring load, pilot valve in a central position. Propeller is still in fine pitch.