1700-1900 Flashcards
warefare through time
How did strategy and composition armies change 1700-1850?
- 2 lines fired at the same time.
- 15% of army was cavalry.
- 5% was artillery.
- Cannon could fire up to 500m.
- In Napoleonic wars Britain blockaded France to prevent trade.
How did strategy and composition armies change 1850-1900?
- Rifling had grooves in guns.
- Recoiling meant cannons stayed in position allow faster fire rate.
- Breech-loaded cannon could fire 10 rounds a minute.
- First railway in 1830 was Liverpool to Manchester.
- This meant soldiers travelled 15x faster and 250 tonnes a day.
How did weapons change 1700-1900?
- Enfield rifle accurate up to 500m opposed to 100m brown bess.
- Minié bullets were put in the enfield rifle.
- Breech loading 4x faster than muzzle.
- 1888 Lee-Metford rifles accurate up to 1500m.
- Cannon was made of steel, recoiled, breech loaded, better range, smokeless, rifled and used percussion shells.
How did individuals drive change?
Maxim- Maxim gun 1884 and fired 500 bullets.
Nobel- Smokeless powder.
Bessemer- £7 a tonne for steel.
How did recruitment change and training?
Under the influence
Purchase system
French had 69,000 troops.
Allied army had 67,000.
Ground was marshy so cannon was ineffective.
Ridges to hide from artillery.
Didn’t fall for Napoleons trick.
Squares to fend off cavalry.
Battle of Balaclava
Only 8% KIA
2 man deep line of 700 beat 2300 (thin red line)
COTLB: charged at artillery half of 673 were uninjured and 113 died.
Raglan sent an ambiguous message and Nolan pressured Lucan to follow orders and later tried to call off attack but got shot and Cardigan confused but followed order anyway.
Boer: 300 correspondents reported what took place, daily mail 500,000 copies a day, public raised money, was patriotic.
Crimean- 1800-54 5,000-40,000 copies sold start vs end, Russell was the first reporter, Fenton had pictures put in exhibit, political leaders pressured.