17 Selection and evolution Flashcards
Define continous variation and how its caused
- phenotypes not in grous/categories
- phenotypes are quantative
- normal distribution
- polygenic/controlled by many genes
- diff genes have additive effect
- enviornmental factors contribute to variation
Describe selective breeding could produce vraities of rice w fats growing stems
- crossbreed rice plants with fast growing stems
- select/choose + breed offspring with fast growing stems
- repeat crossing and selection over generations
- outbreed to avoid inbreeding depression
Describe how SB can produce varities of rice w fast growing stems
- cross breed indivduals w fats growing stems
- select and choose + breed offspring w fast growing stems
- repeat crossing and selection over generations
- outbreed/outcross to avoid inbreeding depression
Sympatric speciation
- diff habitats/eco isolation
- prevents interbreeding/no gene flow/ reproduction isolated
- polyploidy/genetically diff
- 1 is adapted to diff conditions than the other
- describe sympatric speciation
-no geographical barrier / not geographically isolated ; - behavioural isolation / described ;
-to reproductive isolation / described
Suggets why mtDNA used instead of nuclear DNA when studying closeness of rs between pops
- inherited from mother alone
- crossing over/recombinance doesnt occur
- many copies of mtDNA
- smaller
- not associated with histone proteins
- mtDNA analysis is quicker
Explain why specific primers were used for tiger mtDNA sections
- to bind to complimentry base sequences in mtDNA
- amplify specific mtdNA sections
define term haploid and diploid
- haploid is one (complete) set of chromosomes ;
- diploid is two (complete) sets of chromosomes ;
3 examples of evidence obtained helped to confirm species are the same species
- interbreed to produce fertile offspring / not reproductively isolated
- occupy the same niche ;
- same / similar, morphology / physiology / biochemistry ;
- have, similar / same, genes / DNA sequences / genomes ;
- similar / same, proteins / amino acid sequences
2 domains which are good sources of RE
- bacteria and archae
suggest and explain what conditions of harvey weinberg principle are likely to be met in populations of rats on islands
- no flow of, alleles / genes, into / out of, the population ;
- population is isolated / described ; e.g. separated by geographical barrier
- random mating is occurring ;
- rats move around island / AW ;
-large population ;
-rats have high reproductive rate / no predators ; - rats are diploid ;
genetic drift
- genetic drift / not natural selection ;
- directional selection
2 as small size in north not, adaptive / beneficial ;
3 (small) lose heat faster / harder to keep warm ;
4 smaller fat reserves not good with unstable food supply ;
5 less food in north reduces, growth / size ;
directional vs stabalising selection
- stabilising = when environment is stable/natural selection, no longer longer brings about change because organisms already well adapted
- directional = if environment changes alleles that were advantageous now disadvantages which is bad/genetic drift
Disruptive selection
- Occurs when environmental conditions favour, both extremes of a population, but don’t against those who are in the middle
- maintains polymorphism and population and gene split some new species formed
Continuous versus discontinuous variation
- Continuous = no distinct categories,quantitative, polygenic/controlled by many genes, influenced by environment
- discontinuous = categorical, qualitative controlled,genetucally detremined, unaffected by environment
how do hybrid populations compare to pure subspecies?
- (hybrid populations have) more, genetic variation / alleles ;
- genes / mutations / alleles, from both (sub)species ;
- more potential to adapt / can adapt better (in future) ;
- genes / alleles, for migration may let some find new habitats ;
- have, genes / alleles, for, warm and cold / different temperatures ;