17. Falls - ABD Flashcards
- Abdomen
- Amputation (excluding finger/toe)
- Back
- Chest (breathing normally)
*Head (alert) - Leg, upper (obvious deformity)
- Neck (breathing normally)
- Ankle
- Arm, upper*
- Collar bone (clavicle)
- Elbow*
- Finger
- Foot
- Forearm
- Genitalia
- Groin
- Hand
- Hip/Pelvis
- Knee*
- Leg, lower
- Leg, upper (without deformity)
- Shoulder
- Tailbone (coccyx)
- Toe
- Wrist
Problem Suffixes
A: Accessibility concerns/difficulty
E: Environmental Problems (Rain, heat, cold)
G: On the ground or floor
J: Jumper (suicide attempt)
P: Public place (street, parking garage, market)
Extreme Fall
Patient fallen from distance of 30ft/10m (3 stories) or higher
Long Fall
Patient fallen from distance of:
* Adult/Child 10-29ft (3-9m)
* Infant 6-29ft (2-9m)
SERIOUS Hemorrhage
Uncontrolled bleeding (spurting or pouring) from any area, or anytime a caller reports “serious” bleeding
≥ 6 hrs have passed since incident or injury occurred (w/o priority symptoms)
Public Assist
Aiding a caller in situations where someone has fallen (Ground-level) but is not injured or acutely ill (no priority symptoms)
Rule 1
Always consider that the patient’s fall may be result of medical problem (fainting, heart arrhythmia, stroke, etc.)
Rule 2
Distance of fall is key factor in determining response
Rule 3
The head-tilt is the only recognized method of airway control in PAI dispatch environment. When presented with a TRAUMA patient described as not alert with INEFFECTIVE BREATHING, EMD should protect life over limb and open the airway.
Rule 4
DANGEROUS, uncontrolled hemorrhage (neck, armpit, or groin) resulting from a ground-level fall should be handled on Protocol 21
Rule 5
If a spinal injury is suspected in a breathing patient and PAIs are not necessary, PDIs maty be enhanced by encouraging patient not to move and by advising rescuer to use their hands to stabilize patient’s head and neck in position found
Rule 6
Before selecting 17-A-4, all questions in Case Entry and Protocol 17 must be asked and answered and the person needing aid clearly verified (no unknowns) as having no injuries or acute illness (no priority symptoms)
Rule 7
Ground-level falls caused by fainting, near fainting, or dizziness should be handled on Protocol 31
Axiom 1
Ground-level falls in elderly patients commonly result in hip fractures, which are not prehospital emergencies
Axiom 2
Prevention of permanent nerve injury is a major goal of rescue and treatment