16yo male preparticipation Flashcards
causes of syncope ddx
vasovagal: dizzy, diaphoresis, lightheaded, nasuea, weak, visual changes prodrome
hypoglycemia: weak, hungry, sleepy prodrome
dehydration: resolves w/ volume repletion
seizure: postictal state
heat stroke: high body temp
syncope red flags
family h/o sudden death, MI <30yoa, seizures
chest pain/palpitations
Facial cyanosis, aura, frothing, tongue biting, slow recovery or postictal drowsiness, prolonged mental status change/confusion suggesting a seizure
syncope in the supine position, prolonged LOC >5mins;
flushed or cyanotic skin–>seizure signs and less syncope
What are you ruling out in a patient with syncope by getting an ECG
Wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
Long QT syndrome
mcc chest pain in teen
MSK: precordial catch syndrome usually along left sternal border, sharp sporadic pain not assoc w activity
What does the CRAFFT screen for
high risk alcohol use, drug use
What are the CRAFFT screening questions
- Car: driven in a car by someone who was high/drunk
- Relax: alcohol or drugs to relax or fit in?
- Alone: use drugs/alcohol when alone
- Forget things you did while drunk or high
- Friends: friends ever say you should cut back
- Trouble: gotten into trouble while drunk or hifh
What are characteristics of murmurs that warrant evaluation?
Louder than grade III/VI
Any diastolic murmur
Any murmur that increases with standing or valsalva