16.4 Identity of Jesus Flashcards
Baptism- significance for identity
- Jesus’ baptism signals the start of his ministry
- If Jesus was the Son of God, he should be without sin, so why did he need to get baptised?
- Jesus led as an example for others to follow
- Shows Jesus is the Son of God, and proves God’s love for him
- It fulfilled prophecies in the scriptures
Peter’s confession- significance for identity
Peter’s confession- importance
- Jesus showed greater pleasure
- He declared that Peter would become the founder of his church on earth and gave him the keys which wasn’t given to any other disciple so showed great love
- Peter became the first Pope, so Catholics believe Popes have the same authority as Peter to forgive sins
Transfiguration- significance for identitiy
- The mountain symbolises being closer to God
- Jesus transfigured, showing he could overcome nature
- His clothes became white, symbolising divinity
- Jesus only took his closest disciples, showing it was special
Transfiguration- problems
-We can’t prove it happened
-The disciples still didn’t accept the idea of Jesus’ resurrection
-How could the disciples recognise Moses and Elijah?
Jesus’ miracles- stories
- Raising of Jairus’ daughter
- Healing of legion
- Calming of the storm
- Feeding of the 5,000
- Walking on water
Jesus’ miracles- raising of Jairus’ daughter- significance for identity
-Jairus had enough faith in Jesus for his daughter to be healed
-It shows Jesus has power over life and death
Jesus’ miracles- healing of legion- symbolism
-The man lived in darkness in caves, and Jesus healed him and showed him the light
Jesus’ miracles- healing of legion- significance for identity
- Jesus had power over evil
- The demons recognised Jesus and were scared, showing his power
- Legion means 6,000 roman soldiers- serious attack of evil
- Jesus was compassionate
Jesus’ miracles- healing of legion- problems
-Jesus believed in demons
-The man could have been mentally ill
-The cries of the man could have scared the pigs
Jesus’ miracles- calming of the storm- significance for identity
-Jesus has control over nature meaning he is divine
-His identity was still puzzling to the disciples
-Jesus saved them from the evil of the storm
Jesus’ miracles- feeding of the 5,000- significance for identity
- Jesus has control over nature
- God gave him this power
- Jesus was very compassionate
- We have a duty to care for others
Jesus’ miracles- feeding of the 5,000- problems
Jesus’ miracles- walking on water- significance for identity
-Jesus has power over nature- divine
-The disciples’ reaction was very humanlike
Titles of Jesus- titles
- Messiah
- Son of Man
- Son of God
Titles of Jesus- Messiah
- The Messiah was promised in the Old Testament
- Jesus was kinglike in his entrance into Jerusalem
- Jesus wasn’t a warrior king
- He told people not to talk about what he had done when acted as a messiah, so he wouldn’t receive attention from authorities
- Jesus was a descendant of King David, like the Jews believed the Messiah would be
Titles of Jesus- Son of Man
-Reference to Jesus’ humanity, meaning he lived, suffered and died as a man
-As a ‘man’, Jesus could die to forgive our sins
-It wouldn’t have received unwanted attention from authorities
Titles of Jesus- Son of God
- Jesus didn’t use this because it would have been blasphemy
- Evidence includes Jesus’ baptism, the transfiguration, when Jesus prayed to God as his “father”, Jesus miracles showing he had power from God
- Shows great love between God and his son
- A son should obey his father (Garden of Gethsemane)
- Mark’s gospel shows Jesus as being very human, showing human emotions, rather than divine