1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology Flashcards
What could be the Key Impacts of digital technology?
- Increase Profits
- Increased Productivity
- Loss of Jobs
- Less Overheads
- Less Personal Service
- 24/7 Access
Who are the Key Stakeholders impacted by digital technology?
- Customers
- Staff at the Company
- The Company Director
- The Local Community
What are some of the Cultural Issues that impact on stakeholders?
- The pace of technological change and the effect on society
- The digital divide and unequal access to the internet
- Censorship and the internet
- Cultural influences of developers on software
What are some Cultural Issues Associated with Restricting Access to the Internet?
- Limiting public exposure to content that may ignite social or political unrest
- Preventing criticism of a ruler, Government, or religion
- Preventing violations on national laws
- Preventing violations of hate speech, ethics, or morality-based laws
What are some environmental issues?
Energy consumption - 2% of global energy consumption is used by data centres
Disposal of materials used in technology products
Disposal of Computing Technologies
Harmful materials include Dioxins, Chromium, Mercury, Cadmium and Radioactive Isotopes
Computing technology is often shipped to countries with lower standards for disposal
People trawl through waste looking for metals to be recycled and sold, exposing themselves to danger
What is meant by Ethical Issues?
Ethics is not so much about if something is legal or illegal, but more about whether something is morally right or wrong
What are the Argument FOR Regulating Internet Usage (ethics question)?
- The internet is no different to other media e.g. radio
- The internet has harmful, offensive, and illegal content
- Children should be better protected
- Profit making organisations on the Internet should share responsibility for policing the Internet they have created.
What are the Argument AGAINST Regulating Internet Usage (ethics question)?
- Freedom of expression is an absolute right
- The Internet is different to other media because anyone can be an author and broadcaster
- The Internet grows too quickly for filtering to be effective
- Censorship is bad for democracy
- Parents should take more responsibility
Argument for the use of Digital Technology on Wider Society (privacy)
- Data encryption makes information private
- Voice input I convenient
- Processing sound data allows for additional functionality
- Can assist disabled users
- Intelligence may save lives
- If you have nothing to hide, then privacy isn’t an issue
- Data is mot recorded for purposes other than what is necessary
Argument against the use of Digital Technology on Wider Society (privacy)
- Invasion of privacy
- Devices may also be taking video footage
- Data is sent over the internet for processing
- The data may not be used just for the purpose intended
What are some types of technology that raises privacy Issues in Computer Science?
- Number plate recognition
- Face recognition
- Electronic tagging
- Cell phone location and GPS technology
- Recording internet browsing history
- Retention of personal data
- Smart listening devices
Cloud Computing Advantages
- Information stored on the cloud can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection
- No need to carry/use secondary storage devices
- Backup is usually managed by the cloud provider and so is security
Cloud Computing Disadvantages
- Files cannot be accessed without internet access
- Transmission may not be secure meaning work could be intercepted
- Security is out of the users control and they are relying on the service provider to back up their work and keep it safe
The Data Protection Act 2018
This Act contains a set of key principles that must be followed by all organisations holding personal data. It is designed to protect people’s personal data. The key principles of the Act include:
* Fair, lawful, and transparent processing. Personal data must be processed lawfully and fairly for the purpose it was acquired, and with the individual’s consent.
* Purpose Limitation. Data must only be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
* Data Minimisation. Data must be adequate, relevant, and not excessive, and must not be retained longer than necessary.
* Accuracy. Data must be accurate and up to date.
* Data Retention Periods. Data must not be retained longer than necessary. In addition, if a person asks for it to be erased, it must be securely deleted or destroyed.
* Data Security. Data must be kept secure. This includes protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
* Accountability. Data controllers must be able to prove that their data protection measures are sufficient. Appropriate technical and organisational measures must be in place.
Computer Misuse Act 1990
The Computer Misuse Act has three main principles, primarily designed to prevent unauthorised access o “hacking” of programs or data. The Computer Misuse Act (1990) recognised the following new offences:
* Unauthorised access to computerised material
* Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
* Unauthorised modification of computer material
* Making, supplying, or obtaining anything which can be used in computer misuse offences.
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
This Act is designed to protect the creators of books, music, videos, and software from having their work illegally copied. If you buy a music CD or pay to download a piece of music, software, or a video, it is illegal to:
* Pass a copy to a friend
* Make a copy and then sell it
* Use the software on a network, unless the licence allows it
The software industry can take some steps to prevent illegal copying of software:
* The user must enter a unique key before the software is installed
* Some software will only run if the CD is present in the drive
* Some applications will only run if a special piece of hardware called a “dongle” is plugged into a USB port on the computer.
Open-Source Software
- Free of charge
- Can be adapted to add new features
Proprietary Software
- Involves a cost
- Users cannot edit the software meaning it is restrictive in what it can do