15_ADP_6-22_Army Leadership Flashcards
What does FM 6-22 cover?
Army Leadership (Competent, Confident and Agile)
Define Leadership.
Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.
What is purpose?
Purpose gives subordinates the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome.
What is direction?
Providing clear direction involves communicating how to accomplish a mission: prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility for completion, and ensuring subordinates understand the standard.
What is motivation?
Motivation supplies the will to do what is necessary to accomplish a mission.
Describe the “Be, Know and Do”.
Army leadership begins with what the leader must BE, the values and attributes that shape a leader’s character. Your skills are those things you KNOW how to do, your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires. But character and knowledge while absolutely necessary are not enough. You cannot be effective, you cannot be a leader, until you apply what you know, until you act and DO what you must.
What are the three principal ways that leaders can develop others through which they provide knowledge and feedback?
A leader’s effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing what areas?
Military Bearing
Physical Fitness
What is military bearing?
Projecting a commanding presence, a professional image of authority.
What is confidence?
Projecting self-confidence and certainty in the unit’s ability to succeed in whatever it does; able to demonstrate composure and outward calm through steady control over emotion.
Attributes of an Army leader can best be defined as what an Army leader is. What are the attributes of an Army leader?
A leader of character
A leader with presence
A leader with intellectual capacity
Core leader competencies are what an Army leader does. What are the core leader competencies?
An Army leader leads
An Army leader develops
An Army leader achieves.
Name the two barriers of communications
What is counseling?
Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate’s demonstrated performance and potential.
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
Event counseling
Performance counseling
Professional growth counseling
Character is essential to successful leadership. What are the three major factors that determine a leader’s character?
Army Values
Warrior Ethos
What are beliefs?
Beliefs derive from upbringing, culture, religious backgrounds and traditions.
What Army Regulation prescribes the policies for completing evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS)?
AR 623-3