1.5.2 - Utility Software Flashcards
What is the purpose of utility software
To perform ‘housekeeping’ tasks that the OS can’t do to help maintain the system
Examples of utility software
- Defragmentation software
- Compression software
- Encryption software
Purpose and benefits of compression software
Reduces file sizes or stores data in a different way
This allows for quicker transmission across a network and more files can be stored in the same set amount of space
Purpose of encryption software
To scramble a users data so that if the data is intercepted, it cannot be understood by unauthorised users. Means only the sender and intended recipient can understand the data
What is needed for an encrypted message to be read
Keys. The sender and intended recipient both have one each.
Benefit of encryption software
Allows only authorised users to read the data
Purpose of defragmentation software
- When files are stored they are put into any available space
- This fragments the files as often the spaces aren’t big enough
- Defrag software puts all the related parts of a file adjacent to each other
Benefits of defragmentation software
- Reduces read write time and therefore increases computer performance
- Less time to save new files as there are large spaces together meaning new files don’t have to be split/fragmented
What type of secondary storage doesn’t need to be defragmented
Solid state drives as they have no moving parts. Defragmenting them reduces their life span