15. State And Local Government Concept Flashcards
What are the 5 characteristics of governmental organizations?
Not profit motive Lack of clear ownership Non exchange service: contribution of resources do not receive proportionate share of benefits Compliance with laws and regulations Formal budget process
What are the 3 types of governmental organizations?
State and local government: city, towns, county..
Special purpose government: school district, transit authority
Agencies and commissions: economic development, convention bureau
What are the level of authority for Standards?
What used to be?
Category A: GASB stmts and interpretations (officially established accounting principles)
Category B: GASB technical bulletins, GASB implementation guides (used to be D), AICPA literature created by GASB
Level A to D.
Is GASB concept stmt authoritative (like GAAP)?
What’s the purpose?
Provide a framework for GASB in developing and revising standards
What are the 6 concept stmts?
Objectives of financial reporting
Service efforts and accomplishments
Financial reporting
Elements of financial reports
Service efforts and accomplishments (amendment to 2)
Measurement of elements in financial stmts
What are the two primary objectives for financial reporting?
Interperiod equity: are current yr resources sufficient to pay current yr services?
6 Characteristics of financial reporting?
Timeliness, relevance, understandability, comparability, consistency, reliability
Service efforts and accomplishments: explain
Voluntary Efforts (input): cost of fire department
Output: # of fire alarms responded to
Outcome: % of fire alarms responded within 5 min
Financial reporting 4 hierarchy?
Recognition in basic financial stmts
Note disclosure
Required supplemental information (RSI)
Supplemental information (optional)
What are 5 elements of financial stmts?
Assets Liab Deferred outflow of resources Deferred inflow of resources Net position
What are two approaches for measurement and 4 attributes? Two types of measurement focus to determine either for modified accrual or full accrual?
Initial amounts. Remeasure amounts.
Historical cost, FV, Replacement costs, Settlement costs
Flow of current expendable financial resources (CF type) and change in economic resources (income type). If net income focused, accrual (proprietary and agency funds). If source/use focused, modified accrual (governmental funds).
What are 4 financial reporting implications?
Expression of public policy
Expression of financial intent
Formal control
Provide basis for evaluating performance
Who are the primary users of financial stmts?
Citizens, legislative and oversight board, investors and creditors
What are the two definitions of a fund?
A fiscal entity (account for cash and non cash)
An accounting entity (debts = credits)
What are 3 categories of funds?
Governmental funds, proprietary funds, fiduciary funds
What are 5 funds under governmental funds?
General funds Special revenue funds Capital project funds Debt service funds Permanent funds
What are two funds under proprietary funds?
Enterprise funds
Internal service funds
What are 4 funds under fiduciary funds?
Pension trust funds
Private purpose trust funds
Investment trust funds
Agency funds
What are two purposes of a fund?
To improve management accountability and control
To meet legal requirements
What are included in government wide statements?
What is the measure basis?
Governmental funds Proprietary funds (except internal service fund)
Full accrual
What are two groups that are not GASB No 34 and not in fund report, but still reported in government wide stmt?
General fixed asset account group
General LT debt account group
What are two measurement focus?
Accounting objectives and measuring basis for each?
Flow of financial resources: source/use of current financial resources - modified accrual.
Flow of economic resources: NI - accrual
What is the formula for flow of current financial resources measurement focus?
CA - CL = fund balance
What are the financial sources and uses?
S: taxes, license/fees, grant revenues, transfer from other funds, process from bonds
U: salaries, utilities, capital expenditures, pmt on debts, transfer out to other funds
Modified accrual: when is revenue recognized?
Measurable, legally available (legal right and collected in the current period or within 60days), succeptable to accrual (both measurable and available prior to cash receipt)
If it’s not available, but collected, how should it be classified?
As deferred inflow of resource in current yr
What is the recognition approach for property taxes?
Accrual: both measurable and available
For licenses and fees?
Cash: not measurable or available
For intergovernmental grants?
Measurable but not available: when grant provisions are met
For charges for services?
Accrual: both measurable and available
For fines and forfeits?
Cash: not measurable or available
What is spending called for modified accrual basis?
Expenditures (use of “expense” not allowed)
When does expenditure recognized?
When incurred or due to be paid (due date)
Is expenditure account carried over to a new yr?
No. Closed.