15. Risk modelling Flashcards
How would you quantify enterprise risk using dynamic financial analysis?
- Use cashflow models to produce balance sheet and p+l accounts
- Model risks of whole org and relationships between risks
How would you quantify enterprise risk using financial condition reports
- Financial condition report: report of current solvency position and possible future development
- Look at risks exposed ro, project expected level of profits and new business, incl. unusual features
How would you quantify market risk
- VaR
- Tail VaR
- Interest rate models
- Scenario tests
How would you quantify underwriting risk
- Credit risk models for single entity
- Also assessed non-quantitatively e.g. by banks and credit rating agencies
How would you quantify credit risk
- Credit risk models for single entity
- Also assessed non-quantitatively e.g. by banks and credit rating agencies
How would you quantify liquidity risk
- A+L models
How would you quantify operational risk
- Internal and external loss data
- Scenario analysis
- Simulations
How would you quantify environmental risk
- Internal and external loss data
- Scenario analysis
- Simulations
How would you quantify demographic risk
Quantitative methods
Factors to consider when quantifying risk
Extreme events
Data limitations
Unquantifiable risks
Outline what correlation is
- Measures how diff variables relate or associate to each other
- Low level: diversify each other to some extent
- Negative: hedge each other
Name a linear correlation measure
Person’s rho
Merits of Person’s rho
Value unchanged under operation of strictly increasing linear transformations
ρ(a+bX,c+dY)=ρ(X,Y) where b and d>0
Value not unchanged under operation of strictly non-linear increasing transformations
Not well defined where variances are infinte so can’t be used for some heavy-tailed distributions
Independent variables are uncorrelated, r(x,y) = 0, but not all uncorrelated variables are independent (i.e. r(x,y) = 0 doesn’t imply independence just not linear relationship)
Pearson’s rho only valid correlation measure if marginals are jointly elliptical
Given marginals X and Y, and specified rho, won’t necessarily be able to put together joint distribution to combine all info. Value of ro may be one that is unattainable, ie incompatible with marginal distributions**
Name two rank correlation measures
- Kendall’s tau
- Spearman’s rho
Properties of rank correlation measures
- Take values in interval [-1,1]
- Symmetric, i.e., τ(X,Y)= τ(Y,X) and ρ(X,Y)= sρ(Y,X)
- Give zero if RV are independent
- Take value of 1 if X and Y are co-monotonic (perfectly aligned) and -1 if counter monotonic (precisely in reverse)
- Rank correlation is preserved under non-linear, strictly increasing transormations
- 3/2 τ-1/2≤sρ≤1/2+τ-1/2 τ^2 if τ≥0
- 3/2 τ+1/2≥sρ≥-1/2+τ+1/2 τ^2 if τ≤0
What is an advantage of rank correlation over linear
- Independent of marginal distributions which means it has more attractive properties
Outline the features of deterministic models
- Uses set of predetermined assumptions
- Each set of assumptions determines value of each variable in model so output from model is fully determined
- Allow for prudence by adding margins
List deterministic modelling approached
- Sensitivity analysis
- Scenario analysis
- Stress tests
Outline how sensitivity analysis works
ary each input assumption one at a time to quantify the effect each has independently on the models output
* Can be done for every input or those that are key to the models operations
* Key limitation is no probabilities are attached to options used
* Keys an idea to the sensitivity of a set of results to changes in some inputs allowing some significant exposures to be recognized
* Variables hardly change individually in the real world hence we need scenario testing
Advantages of sensitivity analysis
- Develop understanding of risks faced
- Provide insight into dependence of output on subjective assumptions
- Satisfy supervisory authority’s requirements
Limitations of sensitivity analysis
Doesn’t consider probabilities of changes in parameters
Outline scenario analysis
- Change multiple inputs simultaneously.
- Scenario: set of model inputs representing a plausible and internally consistent set of future conditions
- Assess impact of financial and emerging risks
How would you use scenario analysis within RM framework
- Decide on the scenarios to test. Can be based on past or asking people what they think the worst case is
- Establish the impact on risk factors/model inputs - set up inputs in a such a way that the worst case scenario chosen in 1 is achieved
- Take action based on results. Put plans in place to minimize the effect of the scenario
- Once risk responses are included, do scenario analysis again to see impact of the responses
- Review scenarios to ensure they are still relevant over time as the business evolves
Advantages of scenario analysis
- It facilitates the evaluation of the potential impact of plausible future events
- Provides useful info to supplement traditional models based on statistical info
- Can facilitate the production of action plans to deal with possible future catastrophes
- Helps when there is limited data to build a complex stochastic model. Usually for new risks
- Regulators can use this to compare a range of consistent scenarios across firms
- For extreme events where probabilities obtain may be unreliable, this method is a good alternative
Disadvantages of scenario analysis
- Can be a complex process
- Reliance of generating appropriate hypothetical extreme events
- Have we considered all the scenarios?
- Does not allow for probabilities for each scenario so from a risk control perspective we may not be able to assess the cost vs benefit of the control
- You can consider only the bad scenarios and set risk responses for those but the problem is that these responses may not be appropriate for upside risks