15. IAS 37 and IAS 10 Flashcards
What is IAS 37?
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
What were the three issues prior to IAS 37 being set up?
- Provisions were often presented as an intention to make expenditure, not an obligation to do so.
- Several items could be aggregated into one large provision that was reported as an exceptional item.
- It was difficult to ascertain the significance of the provision and any movements in the year.
Can you set up a provision for reorganisations?
What is a provision?
A liability of uncertain timing or amount
What are the three criteria for recognition of a provision?
- An entity has a present obligation as a result of a past event
- A reliable estimate can be made about the amount of the obligation
- It is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation
What are the two types of present obligation as a result of a past event?
(a) Legal/contractual
(b) Constructive – This is where the company establish a valid
expectation through a course of past practice, regardless of whether
there is a legal requirement to perform the task or not.
Is an intention to make a payment enough on its own to justify a
No, there must be an actual obligation to make a payment.
What do we record if the likelihood is
a) Possible
b) Probable
a) Contingent liability
b) Provision
What do we do with contingent liabilities?
Disclose in notes?
What do we do with the below probabilities with outflows?
a) Virtually certain
b) Probable
c) Possible
D) Remote
a) Recognise probability
b) Recognise provision
c) Disclose contingent liability (Notes)
d) Ignore
What do we do with the below probabilities with inflows?
a) Virtually certain
b) Probable
c) Possible
D) Remote
a) Recognise asset
b) Disclose contingent asset (Notes)
c) Ignore
d) Ignore
How do we recognise a provision?
Dr expense (Admin costs) Cr Provision (Liability)
How do we subsequently recognise a provision?
Dr Expense (Admin costs) Cr Provision (Liability)
Or decreased
DR Provision
Cr Expense
When is a warranty provision required?
And what does this imply?
At the time of sale
So its a past obligation which means an estimate of the obligation needs to be made using expected values.
If a company makes a guarantee to pay off a loan on behalf of another entity then how do we record that?
If the guarantee is probable then make a provision otherwise make a contingent liability