1492-1700 Flashcards
Results of the Scientific Revolution
Faster ships, mapmaking(caravels, carracks, galleons), printing press, compass, astrolabe –> expansion across the seas
Spain in the Renaissance
Ferdinand and Isabella unify Castille and Aragon, garner a Catholic victory over the Moors at Granada
Protestant Reformation
Movement against the Catholic Church and the Pope in Rome. Headed by Martin Luther. Encouraged European conversion. Believe in only faith necessary to gain salvation.
1494, Treaty of Tordesillas
Divided South America between Spain and Portugal, papal line of demarcation gives Brazil and the wast to Portugal
encomienda system
Spaniards given land by the crown, take care of the Native Americans enslaved to work the land
Virginia Company and Jamestown, 1606
Established as a joint-stock company, faced terrible hardships in climate, eventually saved by John Smith, John Rolfe, and tobacco
French explorations
in Louisiana and the South, in Canada under Jacques Cartier and Samuel Champlain, fur trade with the Native Americans
John Calvin and Calvinism
Supreme power of God, wickedness of man, predestination. Also known as the Puritans, settled New England
Mound builders
Formed multi-level terraced earthworks, capital at Cahokia
Ceremonial burial mounds, substantial dwellings for fishing and farming
Rio Grande settlements
Pueblo and irrigation, Anasazi and sandstone cliffs
Iroquois Confederacy
Five nations relying on agriculture, largest political and military organization east of the MI River
Mexico City, capital at Tenochtitlan. Used neighboring peoples for food, goods, and sacrifices. Conquered by Hernan Cortes.
South America, engineers with hierarchical society, a coalition of tribes. Conquered by Francisco Pizarro.
Christopher Columbus
1492, travelled to the Bahamas, helped the conquistadores increase gold supply to Spain 5 times over. Introduced cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, peaches, bananas, coffee, diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza)
Demographic changes Europe
Development of nation-states, move to urban centers, increased crop yields, growing population, creation of a middle class, increased national and international trade, rise of mercantilism, increased nationalism
economic system devoted to increasing national wealth. Colonies created to supply raw goods to the “mother country”
Navigation Act of 1660
Permits only English ships to carry American goods, including specific commodities to be shipped only within the English empire
cultures of people who share similar histories and languages, paying taxes to one home country. used for economic gain
Spanish Inquisition, 1481-1823
Forces conversion of expulsion of non-orthodox Catholicism, executes thousands of Jews and Muslims
mission system
developed to facilitate colonial expansion and pacify the Indians. Chapel, presidio, farming capabilities.