1.4.3 - The Marketing mix Flashcards
What are the factors of the marketing mix?
Sell the same product for a lower price than competitors
Price War:
Price War: When competing businesses try to undercut each other by lowering prices. This leads to an ongoing battle where only the customer benefits, not the business
Product Differentiation:
Designing a product with some unique features that distinguish it from similar products sold by competitors.
Brand Loyalty:
Brand Loyalty: A customers willingness to buy a product from a particular business rather than from its competitors
Market Share:
Market Share: The percentage of the total sales of a product in a market that is taken by one business in that market
A period of economic decline characterised by the fact that the economy has failed to grow for 6 consecutive months
Promotional Mix:
The combination of promotional activities that a business uses to make customers aware of a product, with the aim of increasing sales