1.4.2 Data structures - Nathan Flashcards
Define the term ‘array’
An array is a data structure that holds a number of elements of the same data type
Where does array indexing start?
Array indexes start at ‘0’. (at least, in most programming languages such as Python)
So in the following array:
[“toast”, “eggs”, “ketchup”]
The ‘0th’ element is “toast”, the ‘1st’ element is “eggs” and the ‘2nd’ element is “ketchup”
How are the contents of an array stored in memory?
The contents of arrays are stored contiguously in memory (meaning one after another). This means that the position of each element of the array can be computer from the array’s base address.
Can the contents of an array be changed while the program is running?
The contents of an array are mutable - so they can be changed while the program is running
What’s the difference between a one dimensional array and a two dimensional one?
One dimensional array: an array containing data types such as integers, strings, etc
Two dimensional array: an array containing arrays: e.g:
my2dArray = [[1, 65, 3, 2],
[62, 7, 1, 6],
[6, 3, 76, 2]]
Where the first element of this array is, [1, 65, 3, 2]
What is a record?
A record is a data structure containing a fixed number of variables, called fields. Each field has an identifier (a name) and a data type. Each field can have a different data type.
PlayerRecord = RECORD
player_number: Integer
first_name: String
last_name: String
date_of_birth: Date
position: String
injured: Boolean
What is a list?
A list is an abstract data type. It describes a linear collection of data items in an order.
What operations can be done on a list?
create - create a new list
add - add a new element to the list
delete - delete an element from the list
traverse - visit the elements in the list one at a time
What is a tuple?
A tuple is an ordered sequence of of immutable elements (meaning the elements can’t be changed while the program is running).
Do elements in a tuple all have to be the same data type?
No, the elements of a tuple can all be different data types - e.g a mix of integers and strings
What is a linked list?
A linked list is a dynamic data structure - where each node points to the next one, forming a sequence with a start and end.
Why is it important that a linked list is dynamic?
Because a linked list is dynamic, it’s size can be changed at runtime.
What does a node in a linked list contain?
Nodes in a linked list contain the data relating to the element, and a pointer to the next node.
What is a graph?
A graph is an abstract data type that can be used to represent complex, non-linear relationships between objects. They can be undirected, or directed (contain arrows).
What is a stack?
A stack is an abstract data type that holds an ordered, linear sequence of items. It is LIFO (last-in-first-out), similar to a stack of plates.