What is a stimulus?
detectable change in the internal or external environment of an organisms that leads to a response in organisms
What does being able to detect a stimuli allow you to do? (2)
move away from harmful stimuli, i.e. predators + extreme temps
detect + move towards source of food
What do organisms that survive from danger have a greater chance of doing?
greater chance of raising offspring + passing their alleles to next generation
What is there on organisms with more appropriate responses?
selection pressure favouring organisms with more appropriate responses
What is a stimuli detected by?
What are receptors specific to?
specific to one type of stimulus
What does a coordinator do?
formulates suitable response to stimulus
At what level can coordination be?
may be at molecular level or involve large organ i.e. brain
What is a response produced by?
At what level can a response be?
may be at molecular level or involve behaviour of whole organism
What is one means of communication in large. multicellular organisms?
occurs via chemicals called hormones, which is relatively slow process found in animals + plants
What other communication, other than hormonal communication do animals have?
nervous system
How fast is the response of the nervous system in comparison to hormonal communication?
more rapid
What is each receptor + effector linked to?
central coordinator
What does the coordinator connect?
info from receptor with appropriate effecter