1400-1500 Flashcards
________There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a ________.
choosing: There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice.
2 (no pi.) group of things from which you can take something: a big ________of hooks.
2 (no pi.) group of things from which you can take something: a big choice of hooks.
3 (pi. ________) person or hing that you want or like best: Amy bought a red bag but my ________was blue.
3 (pi. choices) person or hing that you want or like best: Amy bought a red bag but my choice was blue.
________ n. group of people who sing together: the church ________.
choir /’kwaio(r)/ n. group of people who sing together: the church choir.
________ v. stop breathing properly because there is something in your throat: She ________on a piece of apple.
choke /tjaok/ v. stop breathing properly because there is something in your throat: She choked on a piece of apple.
________ v. (pastpart, ________,past tense ________) take out what you want from several things or people: ________one of these kittens.
choose /tju:z/ v. (pastpart, chosen,past tense chose) take out what you want from several things or people: Choose one of these kittens.
________/ n. thick slice of meat with a bone in it: a lamb chop.
chop1 /tJDp/ n. thick slice of meat with a bone in it: a lamb chop.
________ v.________________ cut something into pieces with an axe, knife, etc.: I ________up the vegetables before I put them in the stew.
Chop2 v. (pres. part, chopping, past part. & past tense chopped /tjopt/) cut something into pieces with an axe, knife, etc.: I chop up the vegetables before I put them in the stew.
________adj. rough; broken into small waves: choppy sea.
choppy /’tfopi/ adj. rough; broken into small waves: choppy sea.
________ n. (pi. ________) 1 group of singers; group of dancers in the theatre. 2 part of a song that is sung by everyone after each verse.
chorus /’ko:ras/ n. (pi. choruses) 1 group of singers; group of dancers in the theatre. 2 part of a song that is sung by everyone after each verse.
________ v. 1 put holy water on someone to show that he or she belongs to the Christian Church:
The minister ________ the baby.
christen /’krisn/ v. 1 put holy water on someone to show that he or she belongs to the Christian Church:
The minister christened the baby.
2 give a first name to someone: They ________her Mary,
2 give a first name to someone: They christened her Mary,
________n. small, soft laugh, ________v.
chuckle /‘tjAkl/ n. small, soft laugh, chuckle v.
________n. close friend.
chum /tjAm/ n. close friend.
________n. 1 big farm can for fresh milk. 2 machine for making butter.
churn /tj3:n/ n. 1 big farm can for fresh milk. 2 machine for making butter.
________ n. (no pi.) drink made from apples.
cider /’saida(r)/ n. (no pi.) drink made from apples.
________n. roll of tobacco leaves for smoking.
cigar /si’ga:(r)/ n. roll of tobacco leaves for smoking.
________n. tube of paper full of tobacco for smoking.
cigarette /.siga’ret/ n. tube of paper full of tobacco for smoking.
________ n. dry black or grey stuff that is left after something has burned: The roast meat was burned to ________.
cinder /’sind3(r)/ n. dry black or grey stuff that is left after something has burned: The roast meat was burned to cinders.
________n. machine for taking moving photographs.
cine-camera /’sini kaemara/ n. machine for taking moving photographs.
________ n. place where people go to see films.
cinema /’sinama/ n. place where
people go to see films.
________. 1 ring; something round. 2 group of people who like the same thing: a ________of friends.
circle /’S3:kl/ n. 1 ring; something round. 2 group of people who like the same thing: a circle of friends.
________ adj. round;
circular /’s3:kjola(r)/ adj. round;
making a line that goes round: A wheel
is ________.
making a line that goes round: A wheel
is circular.
________ v. go or pass round something: Blood ________through our bodies. ________
circulate /’s3:kjuleit/ v. go or pass round something: Blood circulates
through our bodies. circulation
/,s3:kjo’leiJn/ n.
________ n. (pi.) the facts of a happening; where, when, how, and why something happens.
circumstances /’s3:kamstansiz/ n. (pi.) the facts of a happening; where, when, how, and why something happens.
n or under the ________, because things are as they are: There was a snow storm and, under the ________, they decided to stay at home,
n or under the circumstances, because things are as they are: There was a snow storm and, under the circumstances, they decided to stay at home,
in or under no ________, not at all; never: Under no ________must you swim in the deep river!
in or under no circumstances, not at all; never: Under no circumstances must you swim in the deep river!
________show given by clowns, animals, acrobats, etc.
circus /’s3:kas/ /?. (pi. circuses) show given by clowns, animals, acrobats, etc.
________ n. someone who belongs to a country or town: the ________of Cardiff.
citizen /’sitizn/ n. someone who belongs to a country or town: the citizens of Cardiff.
________n. (pi. ________) big, important town,
city /’siti/ n. (pi. cities) big, important town,n,
________n. building with offices and meeting rooms for the people who control a city.
city hall n. building with offices and meeting rooms for the people who control a city.
adj. of a town: a civic centre.
civic /’sivik/ adj. of a town sehirle ilgili: a civic centre.
________dj. belonging to the people of a place.’
civil /’sivl/ adj. belonging to the people of a place.’
________ n. things that everyone in a country can have, do, and ask for.
civil rights n. things that everyone in a country can have, do, and ask for.
________ n. people who do government work
the civil service n. people who do government work
________ n. war between the people in one country.
civil war n. war between the people in one country.
________ n. someone who is not in the army, the navy, the air force, etc.: ________and soldiers were killed during the war.
civilian /si’vihan/ n. someone who is not in the army, the navy, the air force, etc.: Civilians and soldiers were killed during the war.
________adj.: ________dress.
civilian adj.: civilian dress.
________ n. people living together at a certain time in a certain way: the Roman civilization.
civilization /.sivalai’zeijn/ n. people living together at a certain time in a certain way: the Roman civilization.