14 - Developmental Flashcards
Define Colic:
Wessel’s Rule:
Crying >3hrs / day
Crying at least 3 days / week
Crying more than 3 weeks
Facial grimace, leg flexion, flatus
Txt for colic
Increased contact / carrying, tight swaddling
How long does a temper tantrum typically last?
Examples of special needs:
Cerebral palsy ADHD Cleft lip HIV MR
Many more
RF for autism?
Advanced maternal age
Fetal exposure to valproate
When is the M-CHAT performed?
18-24 mos
Features of autism:
Persistent deficits in social communication and interaction
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities (lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases)
Inflexible adherence to routines
Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input
Txt for ASD
Antipsychotics if aggressive
Stimulants for ADHD-type stuff
SSRI’s for anxiety, compulsion, depression
Cerebral palsy - define:
Non-progressive motor impairment syndromes 2/2 brain injury or anomalies before or after birth
What is the MC type of cerebral palsy?
Features of spastic cerebral palsy:
Abnormal movement
Increased tone
Pathologic reflexes
Scissor-toe gait and toe-walking
Dx of ADHD:
Sxs for at least 6 mos in 2 or more environments
6 sxs of inattention or 6 sxs of hyper-activity-impulsivity
Txt for ADHD
Behavioral management and stimulant meds (either methylphenidate or amphetamine)
Atomoxetine (Strattera)(NRI)
ODD features
Angry/irritable mood
Argumentative/defiant behavior
Conduct disorder
Kids version of antisocial PD