14 - Corporate transparency - barely comes up! Flashcards
3 benefits of disclosure of company information
- Persons dealing with company are more informed
- Shares are accurately priced, allowing more efficient market operation
- Shareholders can hold company and its directors to account
7 registers which must be kept by companies
Res addresses
Register of interests disclosed
Register of overseas entities
2 registers which companies can choose to keep
Which companies can make an election to either only maintain its own register or to keep all relevant info on the register at CH?
Only private companies
4 types of companies not requiring audit
- Small companies
- Subsidiaries which meet certain conditions
- Dormant companies
- Non-profit companies subject to public sector audits
3 conditions that must be satisfied to qualify for appointment as auditor
- Member of a recognised supervisory body
- Eligible for appointment under rules of supervisory body
- Not prohibited from acting as auditor through lack of independence
How are auditors of a private company appointed?
- By directors in first year
- By ordinary resolution in subsequent years (otherwise deemed to have been reappointed)
How are auditors of a public company appointed?
- By directors in first year
- By ordinary resolution in subsequent years (no deemed reappointment)
- audit committee will often be responsible for appointment *
2 key powers given to auditor to enable completion of duties
- Right of access to company’s books, accounts and vouchers
- Right to require specified persons to provide such information and explanations as auditor deems necessary
Principal duty of an auditor is to carry out investigations as will enable them to form an opinion as to:
- whether adequate accounting records have been kept
- whether accounts are in agreement with accounting records and returns
- [quoted co’s] whether auditable part of dir. remuneration report is in agreement with accounting records and returns
What must auditor state in audit report (3)
If they are of the opinion that:
- Adequate accounting records have been kept
- Company’s individual accounts are not in agreement with accounting records and returns
- [quoted co’s] Directors’ remuneration report is not in agreement with accounting records or returns
4 ways in which auditor can vacate office
- Resignation
- Removal
- Replacement
- Rotation
How does an auditor resign?
By sending notice to the company to that effect
When does resigning auditor’s term end?
On the date the company receives the notice, or such later date as may be specified in the notice
What must often accompany notice of auditor’s resignation for it to be effective?
Statement setting out reasons for resigning
How is an auditor removed from office?
By the passing of an ordinary resolution of members of the company
WR cannot be used
Special notice of resolution must have been provided
For which companies must auditor’s statement setting out reasons for resigning always be given?
Public Interest companies
2 exceptions to requirement to provide statement setting out reasons for resigning (not relevant if public interest company)
- Ceasing to hold office at end of period for appointing, or (public co’s) end of accounts meeting
- Reasons for ceasing are exempt reasons or need not be brought to attention of members or creditors
2 methods by which auditor can be replaced
- [Private co’s] Where term as auditor expires and they are not reappointed, written resolution can be passed to appoint replacement
- Passing of a resolution at a general meeting special notice of resolution must have been provided