14. Compartment Models Flashcards
What is meant by the terms one-, two- and three-compartment models?
Compartment models are used to
design mathematical models that will
predict the drug-handling characteristics of the body.
They help us calculate the doses and frequency
of drug administration,
and form the basis of anaesthetic infusion regimes
used in target-controlled infusions.
One-compartment model
Body viewed
Drug adminstration - rate constants
how does it distribute
Semi Log plot
Can we use this in practice?
> The body is viewed as
a single central compartment (C1)
with a defined volume of distribution.
> When a drug is administered
(rate constant k01)
it is assumed to disperse instantaneously
uniformly throughout C1.
> It is also assumed that the
drug is then completely cleared from C1
by elimination alone (rate constant k10).
> This model produces a
mono-exponential decay curve.
> Semi-logarithmic plot produces a straight line.
> In reality, this model is
far too simplistic because plasma drug
concentrations decline due to a
multitude of factors including
distribution from plasma into different tissues
(which can occur at different rates
due to differences in tissue perfusion),
drug metabolism
Therefore a less simplistic model with two or three compartments is required.
Fig. 14.1 Semi-logarithmic plot of plasma concentration of drug over time
Two-compartment model
> The body is now viewed as a
central compartment
(C1 – representing plasma)
in conjunction with a
peripheral compartment
(C2 – representing tissues).
> Additional rate constants apply to this model
plasma drug concentrations
now decline due to drug distribution
from plasma to tissues (k12)
drug elimination from the central compartment (k10).
> This produces a bi-phasic exponential decay curve.
Fig. 14.2 Semi-logarithmic plot showing bi-exponential decay of plasma concentration of
drug over time in a two-compartment model
Alpha-phase - slower elimination from C1
Beta-phase - initial rapid distribution
from C1 to C2
Three-compartment model
> The body is viewed as a
central compartment
(C1 – representing plasma),
an intermediately well-perfused
peripheral compartment
(C2 – representing tissues like muscle)
and a poorly perfused peripheral compartment
(C3 – representing tissues like fat).
> Additional rate constants apply to this model and plasma drug concentrations now decline due to drug distribution into the peripheral compartments of C2 (k12) and C3 (k13) and drug elimination from the central compartment (k10).
> This produces
a tri-phasic exponential decay curve
where the distribution part of the curve
can be divided into
a fast (α)
slow (β) phase
followed by an elimination phase.
> The distribution to
and redistribution from
the peripheral compartments
along with drug elimination
from the central compartment occurs
simultaneously and down concentration gradients.
> Peripheral compartments can
act as stores for the drug,
keeping the central compartment full
even after drug administration
into it has ceased and
drug elimination from it continues.
> This redistribution of drug into
the central explains why the
effect of a drug can continue long after
its administration has ended and this is
an integral concept
in target-controlled infusions
context-sensitive half-lives