14 BEC Zones Flashcards
List the zones from bottom to top near kelowna
Bunchgrass Zone (BG)
Ponderosa Pine (PP)
Interior Douglas fir (IDF)
Montane Spruce (MS)
Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Zone (ESSF)
What is the Bunchgrass Zone (BG)
- Lower elevations of southern interior (700-1000m)
- Below PP zone and grades into IDF zone
- Grasslands
- Lower elevations of major southern interior valley of BC
- Ex. Okanagan Valley
What is the Ponderosa Pine (PP)
- Elevation of 335-900m
- Between BG and IDF zone
- Low elevations along dry valleys of southern interior Plateau of BC
- Ex. Frasier River
What is the Interior Douglas Fir (IDF)
- Low elevation 350-600m
- High elevations 900-1450m
- Mid-low elevation landscapes of south-centra interior BC
- Ex Southern Rocky Mountain
What is the Montane Spruce
- Lodgepole pine
- Mid elevations
- Elevations 1100-1500 n wet zones
- Elevations 1250-1700 in dry areas
- Ex. Coast and cascade mountain
What is the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Zone (ESSF)
- Elevations in southwest 1200-2100m
- Elevations in north 900-1700m
- Elevations in southeast 1500-2300m
- Uppermost forested area in southern ¾ interior of BC
- Ex Columbia mountains
Name the zones bottom in increasing elevation in Vancouver
Interior Cedar – Hemlock (ICH)
Costal Douglas Fir (CDF)
Costal Western Hemlock (CWH)
Mountain Hemlock Zone (MH)
Alpine Tundra (AT)
What is the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH)
- Low-mid elevations
- Elevations 400-1500m in southeast BC
- Ex. Quesnel Highland
What is the Costal Douglas Fir (CDF)
- Elevations below 150m
- Small part of southeastern Vancouver Island
- Islands in gulf of Georgia and narrow strip adjacent to mainland
What is the Coastal Western Hemlock
- Elevations sea level- 900m in windward
- Elevations 1050m leeward slope
- Low-mid elevations
- Mostly west of costal mountains, along entire BC coast
- Ex. Queen charlotte island
What is the Mountain Hemlock Zone (MH)
- Elevation 900-1800m in south
- Elevation 400-1000m in north
- Subalpine elevation of coastal mountains
- All along coast of BC
- Ex. Insutar Mountains
What is the Alpine Tundra (AT)
- Highest elevation above 2250m
- On high mountains throughout BC
- Ex. Rocky Mountains
List the remaining zones
Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone (SBS)
Sub-Boreal Pine – Spruce Zone (SBPS)
Spruce- Willow- Birch Zone (SWB)
Boreal White and Black Spruce Zone (BWBS)
What is the Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone (SBS)
- In valley bottoms
- Elevation from 1100-1300m
- Montane zone of central Interior of BC
- Ex. Nechako gentle terrain
What is the Sub-Boreal Pine – Spruce Zone (SBPS)
- Very high elevations
- Montane zone is on high plateau in west central interior BC
- Ex. Chilcotin
What is he Spruce- Willow- Birch Zone (SWB)
- Elevations 1000-1700m in south
- Elevations900-1500m in north
- Mostly north subalpine zone in BC
- Ex. Skeena Mountains
What is the Boreal White and Black Spruce Zone (BWBS)
- majority of zone is in elevations above 600m
- on extension of Guerat Plains into northeast corner on BC
- Ex. Fort Nelson Lowlands