1.3.4 Web Technologies Flashcards
What is HTML?
- HTML is the language/script that web pages are written in.
What does the command do:
- All code written within these tags is interpreted as HTML
What does the command do:
- Defines the content in the main content area of the webpage
What does the command do:
- Used to link to additional files, including CSS stylesheets
What does the command do:
- Defines the browser tab or window heading area
What does the command do:
- Defines the text that appears with the tab or window heading area
What does the command do:
- Heading styles in decreasing sizes
What does the command do:
- Used to define a paragraph separated with a line space above and below
What does the command do:
- Is used for images. This is a self-closing tag, which means that there is no need to include a closing tag (</img,>) when using it
What does the command do:
- Is an anchor tag that defines a hyperlink with the location parameter, and is laid out in
the following form:
a href= location> link text </a
What does the command do:
- Defines an unordered list. Again, each element within the list is defined using the <li tag.
What does the command do:
- Is used to define an ordered list. Each element within the list is defined using the <li
What does the command do:
- Divides a page into separate areas, each which can be referred to uniquely by name.
What is a class?
- Attribute given to elements which you want to be styled a ceratin way
- Can be assigned to multiple elements
- Assigned by using class = “xxxxxxxxxxx”
- Defined by .className { styling }
What is an identifier?
- Attribute given to elements which you want to be styled a ceratin way
- Can be assigned to a single element
- Assigned using id = “xxxxxxx”
- Defined using #idname { styling}
What is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Is a language which is used to describe the style of a webpage
- Can be entered directly into html document or written in seperate file and linked to html document
What is Javascript?
- A scripting language which primarily exists to add interactivity to websites.
- JavaScript is interpreted rather than compiled
What are the advatages of Javascript?
- Local computer can deal with invalid data before it is sent off to the servers,
- Eases the load on busy servers
- Reduces web traffic
What are searche engines?
- A search engine is a program that searches through a database of internet addresses looking for resources based on criteria set by the client.
What are Web Crawlers?
- Programs that built the index of web pages used by search engines
- Work by traversing the Internet, web page by web page using links on websites
- Collect keywords and phrases from the linked web pages and add this information to the index
- They also collect and add meta data from websites, which is the information specified by the website owner
What is the page rank algorithm(explenation)?
- Ranks web pages , determining the order in which they are displayed when a search is conducted
- Two factors effecting it:
- How many inoming links it has from other web pages
- The page rank of the pages that link to it
What is the page rank algorithm(equation)?
- PageRank(x) = (1-d) + d[(PageRank(T1) ÷ Count(T1)) + … + (PageRank(Tn) ÷ Count(Tn)]
- Count: number of outbound links from webpage
- d : dampening factor, chance that user doesn’t follow a link on page
What is Server side Processing?
- Client sends data to a server for it to be processed.
- No information processed on client computer
What are the advantages of Server side Processing?
- Doesn’t require plugins
- Can perform large calculations much faster than clients
- Not browser dependent
- More secure
What is Client side Processing?
- Client processes data on a local device
What are the advantages of Client side Processing?
- Webpage can immediately respond to user actions
- Executes quickly
- Gives developers more control over the behaviour and look of the website