13045 P-621 Pavement Markings Flashcards
What are the 4 different activities covered under P-621?
A: 1) prep and painting of markings and stripes, 2) installing preformed thrmoplastic markings, 3) placing polymer concrete micro overlays, 4) removal of existing markings
What is required to be provided for all P-621 materials shipped to the job?
A: a certified test report for materials shipped to the project.
What type of paint is required?
A: Waterborne, meeting the requirements of Fed. Spec. TT-P-1952E, Type II
What temperature must preformed thermoplastic markings be required to be installed at?
A: 35 F
What type of boarder is required for thermoplastic markings?
A: an integral, non-reflectorized black border
What % of glass beads must be contained in the preformed thermoplastic markings?
A: 30%
What spec must the glass beads for the thermoplastic markings meet?
A: Fed. Spec. TT-B-1325D, Type IV
Two types of beads are required, intermixed graded glass beads and what?
A: Factory applied coated surface beads, see spec for requirements
What is the thickness required for the preformed thermoplastic markings?
A: 65 mils (1.7mm)
How are preformed thermoplastic markings applied?
A: using a large radiant heater
Marking material must set up how quickly in order for the access route to be re-opened to traffic?
A: 15 mins
What type of reflective media shall be applied to paint markings?
A: glass sphered meeting the requirements of TT-B-1325D, Type III
Is the use of chemicals allowed when removing pavement markings?
A: No
What weather conditions are required for the application of paint?
A: existing surface is dry and clean, atmospheric temp is at least 45 F and rising, pavement surface temp is at least 5 F above the dew point and the weather is not excessively windy, dusty, or foggy
Who determines the suitability of the weather for striping?
A: the City
What type of equipment shall be using for the application of paint?
A: an approved atomizing spray-type marking machine suitable for application of traffic paint.
What types of markings must the striping equipment be capable of applying?
A: markings from 6 to 26 inches in a single pass with uniform coverage and capable of applying two colors simultaneously without applying glass beads to the black markings.
What types of removal are acceptable?
A: Removal methods must be approved by the engineer, such as sandblasting, waterblasting, or beadblasting
What must be done to clean the surface of the pavement immediately before paint application?
A: waterblasting
What types of methods are not acceptable for removal of paint?
A: masking with paint, bituminous material, surface treatments, or other cover material
What is required to be removed before paint is applied?
A: Curing compound by sandblasting or high pressure water
What is required to be approved by the city prior to striping?
A: the layout of markings
Who is required to approve conditions prior to painting?
A: The city
At what rate shall paint be applied to PCC?
A: 115 sq ft per gallon
At what rate shall paint be applied to freshly sealcoated asphalt concrete?
A: 75 sq ft per gallon
At what rate shall paint be applied to other asphalt concrete?
A: 115 sq ft per gallon
What rate are the Type III glass beads required to be applied at?
A: 10 pounds per gallon
What type of glass beads are required for red and pink markings?
A: Type I, gradation A glass beads at the rate of 5 pounds per gallon of paint
What is the tolerance required to be met for paint edges?
A: edges of the markings shall not deviate from a straight line more than 1/2 in per 50 ft.
How much time is required between placement of concrete or bituminous surface course or seal coat and the application of paint?
A: 7 days
What is the difference between temporary and permanent markings?
A: Temporary markings shall be applied at a 50% application rate and glass beads shall not be required.