1.3 SP Model Flashcards
Where did the scientist practitioner model grow from?
The scientist practitioner model grew out of Eyesenck’s 1952 criticism that those who were in psychotherapy when no more likely to improve than those who didn’t receive treatment.
Shakow’s AAAP (American Association for applied psychology report) 1941 now known as the Shakow report was accepted at the Boulder conference and now referred to as the Boulder model, or scientists practitioner model.
Define the scientist practitioner model in accordance with the Australian psychological Society’s (2013) definition
The scientist practitioner model is a training model that focuses on creating a foundation of research as a basis for practice
When did the foundations of the scientist practitioner model receive attention
The foundations of the model received attention and became the focus in clinical psychology in the 1949 Boulder conference Colorado with Australia officially endorsing the model in 1977.
What are the three roles of the psychologist as described by the scientist practitioner model?
- consumer of research findings that inform how we assess and treat clients.
- evaluators of clinical interventions.
- producers of new research
What are the advantages of the SP model for psychologists
Receive ongoing PD
maintain patient contact
Engage in symbiotic relationship with research (either implementing, taking part and/or evaluating)
guided by empirically supported treatments which assist in coping with uncertainty
What are the advantages of DS p model for clients
Ensuring they are provided with suitable assessment methods, effective treatments, and efficacious interventions
How does the SP model benefit stakeholders
Creating treatment guidelines, ensuring training guidelines for psychologists, reducing dropout rates of clients due to efficacious treatment being provided, justifies funding allocations, and informs funding planning for example better access program
What was Shakows four year education track?
FTID - the Boulder conference had “full trust in David”
1- establish a strong foundation in psychology and other applied sciences
2-learn therapeutic principles and practices needed to treat patients
3- internship, gain supervised field experience
4 - dissertation
What are the criticisms of the scientist practitioner model
Lacks validity – meaning that it does not actually help graduate students become better scientists and practitioners
The skills needed for practice in clinical psychology versus research are not compatible
What are the core tenets of the scientists practitioner model
Giving psychological assessment testing an intervention, in accordance with scientifically based protocol
Research - contributing to practice-based research and development to improve the quality of health care
Accessing & integrating scientific findings to make informed healthcare decisions for patients
Hypothesis testing and questioning
Training that is research-based and supports the health professions
What are the things to cover off in this answer?
Adopted by Aus in 1977.
Training model that says a foundation of research should be the basis for practice.
Psychologist is a consumer, reviewer and producer of research.
Shakow developed AAAP (American Association of Applied Psychology) Report AKA Shakow Report that was taken to numerous committees between 1941 and 1948, and accepted at Boulder Conference in 1949.
4 components to training in psychology – FTID – Full Trust in David - Foundational competencies; Therapeutic techniques; Internship; Dissertation
Advantages of model for:
Clients - suitable ax methods, effacious treatments and interventions
Psychs - PD, patient contact, symbiotic relationship with research, guided by empirically supported treatments
Stakeholders - treatment guidelines for clients, training guidelines for psychs, reducing drop out rates, justifies funding allocations