13. Dormant Commerce Clause Flashcards
What are the exceptions preventing states regulating interstate commerce despite Congress’ consent?
Preempted by federal law (Supremacy Clause)
Direct conflict with federal law (Supremacy Clause)
Federal law intent to preoccupy entire field
- Pervasiveness of federal law
- Uniformity need of law re field
- Similarity of federal + state laws
- Historically federal/state law
Constitution violation
- Equal protection
- P&I
What are the exceptions allowing states to regulate interstate commerce despite discriminating against interstate commerce?
‘Narrowly tailored’ to achieve important non-economic state interest (Intermediate scrutiny)
- Health/Safety
- Morals
- Welfare
State acting as market participant
Performing traditional governmental function (more lenient standard)
- E.g. trash collection
What are the exceptions allowing states to regulate interstate commerce despite unduly burdening interstate commerce (treating public and private interests differently)?
Narrowly tailored to achieve important government interest (Intermediate scrutiny)
Promotion of legitimate government interest outweighs burden
- Protect citizens
Regulating internal governance of companies
- Likely upheld due to State’s long history of doing so
What type of liquor regulations (21A) are subject to Dormant Commerce Clause?
Interstate commerce (state has wide powers)
- Conditions on ‘sale/use’
- ‘Imported’ liquor
- E.g. Discriminatory in favour of local liquor manufacturers
Intrastate commerce